Month: February 2020


Psoriasis Diet – Treatment and Beauty

Psoriasis (Greek for painful skin, scabs) is a chronic skin disease, widespread since ancient times, which is characterized by flaky skin formations in the form of rounded plaques. A diet for people suffering from this disease, namely a special psoriasis diet,  It is designed to regulate the alkaline acid balance in the human body. It should be remembered that […]

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Flu Diet Open

Strengthening the body’s defense in case of flu is a necessary condition for a speedy recovery without any complications. Scientists claim that overeating and strict diets are equally harmful to the immune system. The flu patient’s diet should include meat, rose hips and chocolate. Studies have shown that the patient must receive an increased amount of protein […]

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Bittman’s vegan diet will help get rid of extra pounds

The well-known researcher Mark Bittman proposed the following nutritional scheme – during the day the strict observance of the vegan diet, and in the evening free. Bittman called his diet VB6 (“Vegan Until 6 PM”). Consequently, vegetables can be consumed throughout the day. And after 18-00 you can treat yourself to a cheeseburger, steak or fat chocolate […]

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Diet for psoriasis: keep the disease under control!

Doctors do not just talk about the effects of a balanced diet and a special diet in the treatment of psoriasis. Practice shows that a properly planned diet, a special diet for psoriasis become fundamental factors and the key to a successful fight for clean skin, allow you to keep the disease at a remission stage, and resist […]

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Fildena Super Active – Sildenafil Capsules

The generics of the famous and sought after Viagra include drugs of various forms of release. is a potency regulator produced in capsules, each of which contains 100 mg of the active substance – sildenafil. Drug specificity Fildena’s Super Active drug is a large Indian pharmaceutical company specializing in the manufacture of potency medications. […]

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Tortured eczema? Diet will save you from suffering!

It is sad, but chronic skin diseases of an inflammatory nature have increasingly begun to haunt modern man. Almost half of the world’s population suffers from eczema, psoriasis, and neurodermatitis. And the reason for this is a changed lifestyle, a worsened ecology, a constant stay in nervous tension, poor-quality products, an improper daily routine and diet. Therefore, everyone […]

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Psoriasis treatment and diet for psoriasis, truth and myths

Psoriasis is widespread not only in Russia, but also in the world. However, as a rule, not much is known about this disease. They are afraid of psoriasis patients, try to avoid. Despite the large amount of literature and scientific data, the treatment of psoriasis and the diet for psoriasis are most often subject to a large number of myths […]

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The right diet for gastritis: what to look for?

Like any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis requires special attention when choosing food products and their preparation. The observance of the correct diet becomes extremely important in the acute form of the disease, as well as in exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease. However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to […]

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Diet improves mental abilities, scientists found

In a new study, a group of Portuguese scientists found out how the hunger hormone called ghrelin at the molecular level affects the brain, improving learning ability and memory. The findings of the Portuguese are published in the latest issue of the journal ProceedingsoftheNationalAcademyofSciences. “Our results reveal a mechanism that can explain the improvement of mental […]

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