Month: August 2019


Proper nutrition: healthy sandwiches

Many adherents of good nutrition refuse sandwiches, considering them too a high-calorie dish. There are concerns, both bakery products and their other “traditional” ingredients, which include sausages, butter, store sauces, etc. Do sandwiches really need to be excluded from the diet, or are there useful varieties of them? The role of bakery products in good nutrition […]

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Meat in a healthy diet

The relevance of proper nutrition is growing today. Every day, modern people eat a huge amount of foods that practically do not contain useful substances. The quality of conventional food products is deteriorating due to adverse environmental conditions and the addition of preservatives, flavor enhancers and other chemical substances. The fastest food products for humans are transfats, fast […]

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How to easily and painlessly switch to proper nutrition?

Proper nutrition involves some limitations, although not as serious as with various diets. However, it is often believed that proper nutrition is too complicated. How to easily switch to a healthy diet? How to switch to proper nutrition? Proper nutrition is not a rejection of delicious dishes and a transition to a boring and monotonous menu. On the […]

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Proper nutrition for office workers

Most people today spend most of their lives at work. Most often, work involves an 8-hour working day with a lunch break. But in fact, a rare office worker leaves the workplace at exactly 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. In addition, processing often happens, and in this case it is not possible to think about proper nutrition. Constant stress […]

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Proper nutrition in the summer: dishes with summer herbs

From time immemorial, man has included many different types of leafy vegetables in his diet. After all, they have not only a bright taste, but also are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. How to cook green vegetables, and what kind of food will preserve all their beneficial properties? Healthy nutrition: the benefits of greens for […]

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Proper nutrition for helminth infections

Infection with helminths – worms that parasitize the human body, is not so rare. The frequency of incidence of helminthiasis is not inferior to colds infectious diseases. Both children and adults are at high risk for helminth infections. Helminths are not as harmless as they seem. Helminthiasis left unattended can lead to serious complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases. In the treatment […]

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Proper nutrition of the child

Good nutrition in childhood is the basis for the establishment and preservation of health in the future. Starting from birth, eating habits and addictions are laid, the correct attitude to food is formed as a source of energy and building material for organs and systems. The task of parents is to organize a complete diet that covers […]

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Healthy food

Eating right today – you take care of your health for many years. The principles of healthy eating The proper nutrition system is the real base, on the basis of it the general healthy state of the body, excellent mood and external attractiveness are easily built, which no cosmetics can replace. If you adhere to the […]

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