Month: June 2022


” Gluten-free ” diets can be unhealthy

Many people are considering reducing the amount of gluten (or gluten) they consume in their diet or avoiding it entirely. However, nutritionists say that if not handled carefully, the diet can be unhealthy. In a recent survey, 30 percent of adults said they wanted to “cut back on gluten.” Gluten is a protein found in […]

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Hunger can be bad for your health, nutritionists warn

There has been a recent craze for diets that claim to help you lose weight through intermittent fasting, but some nutritionists say this is a bad idea. People on the so-called “5:02” diet can eat whatever they want for five days a week, but must fast for the remaining two. On fasting days, people should […]

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The list of the most unhealthy diets has been determined

Almost every person at least once in his life faced with a situation where you need to lose weight very quickly. Achieving this goal is not so easy. However, some modern diets are just designed for emergency weight loss. That’s just such weight loss, as a rule, is associated with health risks. Nutritionists have identified […]

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Cleansing diets harm the kidneys

There are countless diets in the world. Diets are strict, soft, mono-diets, liquid and so on. As a rule, each diet has both its pros and cons. The so-called detox diets, or cleansing diets, deserve a separate discussion. Cleansing diets serve to free the body not only from excess weight, but also from poisonous compounds […]

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After 40 years, men should be especially attentive to their health

Many people know that the health of the stronger sex after a certain time should be the object of special attention. Despite the fact that men are the stronger sex, they are the most likely to experience heart attacks, strokes and other conditions that can lead to death. Most often, these troubles overtake men after […]

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Depression is a dangerous psychological disease that can occur in a child during adulthood. At this point, it is very important to notice the first signs: if you do not start treatment in time, the disease can develop into a chronic form and manifest itself in adulthood with more severe consequences. Why parents should pay […]

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Eating a strict schedule is more effective than diets

Many people, in an effort to get rid of excess weight, exhaust their body with all kinds of diets designed for periods of different lengths, involving the consumption of certain foods. Meanwhile, experts have long noted that following fast strict diets gives only the appearance of a positive result, since the weight lost after the […]

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