Month: June 2020


Sparing diet

A sparing diet is a specially developed diet food, which is intended for people suffering from any pathologies. A sparing diet can only be prescribed by a dietitian and only on the basis of existing health problems. The main difference between a sparing diet and other dietary schemes is that such a diet provides a person […]

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Emergency diet

An emergency diet is not without reason called that. It is like an ambulance for quickly losing weight that has accumulated over the winter, or in the process of bearing a child. An emergency diet promises weight loss of 7-8 kilograms with proper observance of the daily regimen and nutrition that it offers. It is designed for two weeks.    In […]

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Fruit and vegetable diet

Fruit and vegetable diet is considered one of the most effective diets in relation to getting rid of extra pounds. This is not surprising. Fruits and vegetables are a natural source of a huge amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances, in which there are very few harmful calories. As a result, a fruit and vegetable diet allows […]

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Diet to cleanse the body

Diet for cleansing the body is extremely important, as modern man no doubt lives in conditions of extreme environmental pollution, complementing this negative factor with an improper lifestyle and often unhealthy diet. In the process of preparing for a diet to cleanse the body, it is better to immediately stock up on several packages of vitamin […]

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Intestinal diet

Intestinal disorders are very common and are of a different nature. The treatment of a disorder depends on the specific features of its development. Nevertheless, for almost all disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, special treatment with diets for the intestine is used. A diet for the intestines is extremely important, since it is proper nutrition that allows […]

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Oat Slimming Diet

Oat diet for weight loss is a type of numerous mono-diets. In turn, there are also many varieties within such a diet. Oat diet for weight loss not only positively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also favorably affects the state of blood vessels, the functions of the heart muscle, and lowers cholesterol. The […]

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Protein and Vitamin Diet

The protein-vitamin diet has recently become increasingly popular. There is a point of view that a protein-vitamin diet is one of the most effective. However, not everyone agrees with this opinion. Adhering to the scheme of protein-vitamin diet, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all flour products, sweets, grains and cereals, legumes, dairy and sour-milk […]

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