Month: October 2021


Ideal product for home weight loss named

Due to the properties of persimmon, doctors ranked this sweet and juicy fruit among the three most effective dietary products. Its medicinal properties are second only to citrus in their strength. “Those who love persimmons can go on a persimmon diet for five days. This time is quite enough to get rid of the extra four to five […]

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Proper discharge for digestion

The modern rhythm of life dictates the need to eat quickly, high in calories and on the job. Regular “abuse” of sandwiches and strong hot drinks during the day, a late hearty dinner – a source of painful conditions of the stomach and pancreas. The use of a number of enzyme preparations is intended to relieve pain, […]

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“Salty” questions of dietetics

“Diet”, “lose weight”, “extra pounds”, “healthy foods” … How often do you hear these words? Men can still think and hesitate with an answer, but women will surely say: “Every day!”. Alas and ah, but in our world , nutritional issues have really become topical, widely discussed, relevant. No matter how many works are written on this topic, no matter […]

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Eating right at night or how to beat a nightly gluttony

It’s amazing how many different diets (mainly for weight loss) you can find on the Internet today! Some of them look promising, but there are also such “dietary complexes” that inspire at least distrust, or even look ridiculous. But almost every diet provides for fractional, multiple meals during the day and a complete refusal of food before […]

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Nutrient mixtures are effective help for the body!

The basics of healthy eating It is impossible to provide a complete healthy diet without consuming the optimal amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements, organic acids and other useful components. They provide colossal help to the body – this is the truth in the first instance. But here’s how to do it in the current realities?   Time is sorely lacking, […]

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Proper nutrition is the key to good health

Everyone knows that health “comes from the inside”, that is, proper nutrition is our everything. You can do physical exercise, use expensive creams, but if you eat “anyhow”, there will be no long-term effect. The effect will be only external and short-lived.   The question of how proper nutrition affects the body is of interest to both scientists and ordinary people. What are its […]

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