Month: October 2020


The ideal diet

The ideal diet is a cherished, often unattainable dream of every woman who wants to be beautiful and slim, young and attractive. In fact, the ideal diet is something from the category of myths and fairy tales, since each diet has its own advantages and disadvantages. From all the information that the science of dietetics and […]

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Protein diet

The protein diet has become more and more popular lately. There are opinions that a protein diet is one of the most effective. There are other opinions that this diet harms the kidneys and liver. Adhering to the rules of a protein diet, all flour products, sweets, grains and cereals, legumes, dairy and sour-milk products, and alcoholic […]

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Ballerinas diet

I must say that the diet of ballerinas is not some kind of specific nutritional scheme. Each ballerina follows her own diet. The only thing these kids have in common is the basic principles. The ballerinas’ diet is designed to compensate for the daily waste of the body’s energy forces. Professional ballerinas six hours a day, seven days […]

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Unloading diet

The unloading diet is a great help to all body systems that need rest from time to time. A fasting diet is, in fact, just one day, during which only easily digestible foods are eaten. These foods help cleanse the digestive system. All toxins and toxins accumulated in the body are removed from it. The benefits of a fasting […]

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Diet for the waist

In ancient times, a thin wasp waist was considered fashionable, the harmony of which was achieved by wearing a rigid whalebone corset. Corsets were worn under dresses and laced very tightly. The figure of girls and women in such corsets, of course, looked stunning. But beauty had to pay with their health. Women of that time often suffered from […]

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Diet of fashion models

Not so long ago, the high growth and thinness of fashion models made all women die of envy. Even if a woman does not succeed in acquiring the appearance of a fashion model, just becoming slim and fit is a very real goal that everyone can achieve. Of course, you need to know the reasonable limits, and […]

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Wine diet

The wine diet has appeared relatively recently, but has already gained popularity. Red wine is good for the cardiovascular system of the body – this information has been known for a long time and is confirmed by research. In the meantime, in order to adhere to the rules of a wine diet, it is not necessary […]

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Breast diet

The breast diet is a fourteen-day diet based on low-calorie foods. Diet for the breast allows you to lose up to four and a half kilograms, tighten the skin, tone it and rejuvenate it. As mentioned, the breast diet lasts approximately two weeks. As a rule, the beautiful half of humanity decides to go on a […]

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