Month: May 2020


Sour-milk diet

There are a lot of principles of dietary nutrition that are designed to help a person lose weight. Separate diets have such strict rules that they can rather be compared with fasting. It is easy enough to observe other principles, but they give a result not immediately, but after a rather long time. Of course, it is better […]

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Citrus diet

Citrus fruits are natural sources of almost all vitamins and minerals that are necessary to maintain health and beauty. Most citrus fruits contain iron and copper. Without exception, citrus fruits are excellent antioxidants, due to which they have a rejuvenating effect on the body. Fresh juices of some citrus fruits, such as orange or grapefruit, best […]

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Short diet

Each person, for sure, faced with such situations when it is necessary to get in shape in a very short time. For many, getting in shape means losing weight. For these purposes, a special short diet was developed. The peculiarity of a short diet is that after its completion it is necessary to eat low-calorie foods, as otherwise […]

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Dieta chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis is a very common gastroenterological disease, with the development of which there is a violation of the functioning of the stomach. With gastritis, an increased or decreased acidity of the stomach can be noted. Depending on this, different diets are distinguished for chronic gastritis. There are many reasons for the development of chronic gastritis. This is […]

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Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) is a powerful and effective anti-estrogen, officially classified as a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). In many ways, it is very similar to another popular SERM Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate). For the first time, Clomid attracted the attention of the public in the early 1970s as a powerful drug for the fight against […]

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Model diet

Slender figures of models make many women envy the catwalk divas. Even despite the fact that recently the cult of thinness has moved back a bit, smartness and harmony continue to be appreciated. Model diet will allow any woman to approach the ideal. The model diet menu is designed for two weeks. If the diet is effective, then […]

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Long diet

Many overweight people, or just wanting to slightly adjust the figure, have high hopes for numerous diets. Discussing the pros and cons of all kinds of diets is not worth it now, since there are a huge number of such nutritional schemes. However, many nutritionists agree that the longer and more delicate the diet, the longer it […]

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Delicious diet

In fact, a delicious diet is not alone; there are many of them. But consider one of the most delicious diets – a honey diet. Honey is a very useful natural product that is unlikely to be comparable with anything else in nutrition and unrivaled taste. The peculiarity of this delicious diet is that a person will not […]

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Some facts Chronic diseases of the structures of the respiratory system can develop under the influence of many factors: viral infections, bacteria and adverse weather conditions. Bronchial asthma, emphysema, bronchitis – they all belong to a whole category of diseases of the bronchopulmonary apparatus. Pathologies of a chronic form are especially dangerous in the cold […]

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Diet during menstruation

Proper nutrition is important to always follow. It is especially important to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet during periods when the body experiences more intense stress. For women, one of these periods is menstruation. A proper diet during menstruation will help to improve well-being and keep the body in good shape. The benefits of following […]

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