Prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases

Infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract is a set of respiratory pathologies affecting the upper and internal parts of the respiratory system.In the treatment of the respiratory tract, the common practice of Prednisone.

The anatomical composition of the respiratory nasal part includes the nasal passages and appendicular sinuses. Through the pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi, air from the environment, when inhaled, enters the lungs. Oxygen in the alveoli combines with blood cells, which then circulate through the bloodstream, providing tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Inhaled air is not only a source of oxygen, but also a source of infectious diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets.

List of upper respiratory tract infections

The group of upper respiratory tract infections (URIs) includes the following diseases:

  • Rhinitis or runny nose – affects the mucosa of the nose and sinuses.
  • Sinusitis – affects the mucosa of the passages and sinuses (maxillary, frontal, grating, maxillary and wedge sinuses).
  • Nasopharyngitis – infects the mucosa of the nose, nasopharynx, upper larynx, and also the palatine uvula, tympanums, and tonsils.
  • Pharyngitis – spreads as an inflammatory process to the pharyngeal mucosa.
  • Epiglottitis – an inflammatory process of the mucous layer of the upper larynx.
  • Laryngitis – inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa.
  • Laryngotracheitis – hyperemia of the mucous layer of the larynx, as well as of the vocal cords and trachea.
  • Tracheitis – Infection and inflammation of the mucous layer of the trachea and vocal cords.

Prevention of upper respiratory tract infections

Only prevention will help to ignore the above list of diseases. Each person’s health and future activities depend on preventive procedures. “In a healthy body – a healthy spirit” – this is true, and for this you need to observe the following points:

  • observance of personal hygiene: regular water procedures, brushing teeth, clean bedding and clean clothes,
  • clean and ventilated housing: wet cleaning of the apartment twice a week, disinfection of the bathroom and toilet and artificial ventilation of the rooms,
  • Morning gymnastics with breathing exercises,
  • Morning jogging in the clean air,
  • hardening the body: swimming, year-round dousing with cold water and snow rubbing in winter,
  • observance of rest and work regimes,
  • nutritious food: fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and fish dishes,
  • Exclusion of products that cause allergic reactions,
  • vitamin therapy: vitamin cocktails, revit, multitabs, etc.,
  • in the cold season to use immunomodulators (drugs that increase immunity),
  • At the first signs of acute respiratory infections act quickly, do not give the disease a chance to develop further, that is move into a chronic form.

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