Month: March 2022


Mono diets

Being overweight is a big problem for many. In an effort to part with their hated kilograms as soon as possible, people are often ready to sacrifice their health. It is the effect on health that is the key point of all diets. Mono diets are recently fashionable dietary principles that promise that a person […]

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Diet food

Dietary foods have become more and more popular in recent years. Many modern people are interested in diets, in this regard, the problem of choosing dietary foods becomes relevant. Dietary foods are special foods that, in fact, are intended for the diet of people suffering from any disease. All existing dietary foods can be divided […]

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Food against toxins

Heat, drought and smog this summer have significantly worsened the ecology of Russian cities. And if so, you need to pay close attention to products that can help the body neutralize harmful substances from the environment. Milk No wonder it is given “for harmfulness.” It is believed that milk, as it were, “absorbs” toxins (including […]

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Balanced diet for the week

A balanced diet is not a dietary diet in the truest sense of the word. A balanced diet allows, without denying yourself your favorite foods, to maintain an excellent shape, if necessary, dropping a few kilograms. Moreover, a balanced diet not only helps to maintain good physical shape, but also helps the proper functioning of […]

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Diet selection

The urgency of the problem of excess weight does not decline so far. The media offer more and more new ways to gain a beautiful body, every year, if not more often, new dietary nutrition systems are born. And it often happens that advertising a new diet is simply amazing with its results. However, the […]

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Antibiotic and antimicrobial – differences

It is common to confuse antimicrobial and antibacterial medicines. Today we will tell you what their difference is, and also determine when what medicine is prescribed. Antibacterial drugs – against bacteria An “antibiotic” is a substance of natural, semi-synthetic or synthetic origin that causes the death of bacteria or delays their growth. Bacteria are a […]

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Diet cuisine

Diet cuisine is recipes for those people who not only want to eat normally, but also maintain their normal weight. The main difference between dietary and non-dietary dishes is the principle of preparation and the products used. Diet cuisine is a minimum of animal fat and salt. Typically, diet recipes include foods rich in nutrients […]

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