Month: September 2019


By obesity, as well as strict diet, are harmful to heart health. Lose weight reasonably

The cause of obesity in many people is the hope of rapid weight loss. Gradually gaining extra pounds, a person comforts himself with the thought that he can drop them very quickly at any moment, if he wants to. But years pass, the body every year accumulates 2-3 kg of weight, and a person still does not find […]

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Therapeutic nutrition according to Pevzner. The principles of the main types of therapeutic diets

For almost a hundred years in medicine, when prescribing this or that type of nutrition to patients, the principle developed by the Soviet scientist M.I. Pevzner. According to him, each group of diseases, in addition to specialized treatment, requires a certain diet. There are 16 main treatment tables according to Pevzner (including zero). Table No. 0, postoperative, is appointed in […]

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How to lose weight on juices? Juice diet Malysheva

The benefits of natural juices from vegetables , berries and fruits are known to everyone – they are rich in trace elements useful for the body, vitamins, amino acids and other biologically active substances. Given that all this wealth also contains few calories, juices are used in a variety of diets for weight loss. Moreover, there are special so-called […]

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Watermelon diet. How to clean your body with a watermelon?

It is believed that watermelon can well clean the kidneys and even help lose weight. Is this true, is it all useful to cleanse the body with watermelon?   In fact, the watermelon season is a great time to improve your health. Watermelon is just a super-dietary product. Watermelon diet is attractive because it has a minimum of contraindications. This diet is suitable for […]

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Caution Diet! The harm and benefits of diets: the pros and cons

Tanya sat opposite and, grimacing in disgust, tried to drink some dirty, viscous liquid that looked like wallpaper glue. – What is it with you? I asked. – Protein shake. It swells in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness. I don’t want to eat at all. I’m losing weight! I went on a diet, I’ll […]

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The role of rice in good nutrition

Many women are unhappy with their parameters and seek to get rid of extra pounds. As you know, this requires two components: sport and proper nutrition. Regular exercise, a healthy lifestyle, and eating foods that help you lose weight guarantee effective weight loss. Among these products include cereals.  Proper nutrition: the role of cereals in losing weight Proper nutrition, […]

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Proper nutrition: what is not harmful to eat at night?

Human nutrition largely depends on proper nutrition. The habit of eating properly should be developed from childhood, but not everyone succeeds. Many people suffer from various eating disorders that can lead to overweight and obesity. One such bad habit is eating bad food at bedtime. Proper nutrition throughout the day Proper nutrition is based on several principles, observing […]

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Irga in proper nutrition

Irga is found in suburban areas, but not often. But this berry is very useful, due to its composition. Therefore, in the season it is very desirable to include it in the menu if you adhere to proper nutrition. How to use a berry with proper nutrition? What is rich in irgi? The berry contains a lot of […]

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