Month: May 2021


Celebrity diet advice is a lie

Many women, in an effort to lose weight and get in shape, pay attention to the advice of celebrities regarding diets and diet. Meanwhile, doctors urge people to be careful to follow all the advice they hear, since many celebrities, using their “star” status, openly lie in their recommendations. According to American nutritionists, the most severe […]

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Antibiotics and Nutrition

Treatment with antibiotics, although it causes a lot of controversy, but in some cases it is one of the most effective and effective. Few people know that for the best effect of medicines of this group, it is necessary to follow certain rules of nutrition, otherwise, side effects can not be avoided. First, let’s say […]

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Diet and exercise play an important role in cancer prevention

Not so long ago, several more factors were identified that affect the development of cancerous tumors in people of any gender and age – these are unhealthy diet and lack of regular exercise. Dennis Savian , dean of the Purdue School in West Lafayette , Indiana, argues that these factors influence the development of cancer as well as the decisive influences such as […]

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The pendulum diet is becoming more popular

A new study from Ohio State University has shown that the most beneficial for the body are the pendulum diets. Abroad, this type of diet has been nicknamed the “yo-yo diet.” The point of this diet is to alternate the diet. This will allow not only to keep in good shape and not to accumulate excess weight, but […]

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The apple diet is the path to health

The people have long been saying that if there are apples every day, then it is quite possible to do without doctors. They are fundamentally different from all other fruits that humans also eat. According to Dr. Bahram H. Arjmandi , head of the Department of Nutrition at the University of Washington, DC, apples are truly a miracle fruit, as they are made […]

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Diet can completely cure diabetes

The good news was reported by British researchers – type 2 diabetes can be completely cured. This disease tends to develop and, one way or another, leads to such consequences as damage to the cardiovascular system, kidneys, even leading to the removal of the lower extremities. Ten people with type 2 diabetes were recruited to participate in […]

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Proper Diet Protects Against Overwork

Proper nutrition is the key to good health. Many experts believe that by establishing the correct diet, a person can protect himself from many diseases and significantly improve his well-being. Among other things, a proper diet helps to get rid of the feeling of fatigue and overwork that is so often faced by a modern person. […]

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