Diet and exercise play an important role in cancer prevention

Not so long ago, several more factors were identified that affect the development of cancerous tumors in people of any gender and age – these are unhealthy diet and lack of regular exercise. Dennis Savian , dean of the Purdue School in West Lafayette , Indiana, argues that these factors influence the development of cancer as well as the decisive influences such as smoking. According to statistics, about one third of cancer cases are associated with smoking, one third is due to genetic changes in humans, and the remaining third is due to just these two factors – poor nutrition and lack of exercise.

The author of the study says that it is necessary to consider these two influences in detail, and start working with the population, as they know in detail about risk factors such as smoking and genetic mutations, but they are not familiar with the fact that cancer can be caused by this addiction, coupled with a sedentary way of life. People with pronounced obesity become a risk group, and bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle, as a rule, become factors for the appearance of excess weight. This study will help develop a diet that will be a measure of preventing the development of tumors and will be included in the comprehensive treatment of patients with cancer.

Scientists who have assisted Dr. Savian with research say it is necessary to encourage people to change their diet in order to prevent the occurrence of tumors and inflammation. First of all, doctors advise eating a lot of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes. It is necessary to avoid foods with “empty” calories, that is, high in fat and sugar. It is necessary to include workouts in the daily routine to keep the body in good shape. And the last factor will be abstinence from alcohol.

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