Month: July 2022


Green tea for weight loss

“We are unloading on milkweed , who is with me?” – periodically there are calls from our enthusiasts. “And what kind of milkweed ?” newcomers ask. “Oh, yes, it’s just tea with milk, can you lose weight from tea?” Doubters add incredulously. Well, let’s try to figure out whether it is really possible to lose […]

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Where is it more useful to run – in the park or in the gym?

For those of us who have made the rash decision to lead a healthier lifestyle after the holiday frills, jogging is an obvious and popular way out. But what is the best and most useful way to run – under the open sky, accompanied by wind and rain, or on a special dynamic track in […]

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Energy drinks in reverse – drinks for relaxation

The relaxation drink industry has been growing in the US over the past few years. They contain ingredients that help you fall asleep, relax and relieve stress. Drinks are sold in supermarkets and you do not need a prescription or a doctor’s permission to buy them. According to Bloomberg , Japan is one of the […]

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Rice Cooker for Diet: Assistant or Fifth Wheel in a Cart?

The popularity and effectiveness of rice diets sooner or later makes those who want to lose extra pounds think about buying a rice cooker . This device not only significantly reduces the cooking time, but also preserves the energy value and useful properties of a unique food product. The demand for a household appliance is […]

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How to stay in shape during pregnancy

You have been on a diet for a long time, dreaming of losing weight, and suddenly you find out that you are pregnant! What to do? How to proceed? How to keep in shape? What actions need to be taken so that the child has enough of everything, and the figure after childbirth is in […]

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Skin after weight loss

Many women, in order to achieve a beautiful and attractive figure, actively go in for sports, go on different diets and do everything possible to reduce their weight. But as a result of the thinning of the fat layer, the skin on the thinner parts of the body begins to become flabby, and with severe […]

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