Breast diet

The breast diet is a fourteen-day diet based on low-calorie foods. Diet for the breast allows you to lose up to four and a half kilograms, tighten the skin, tone it and rejuvenate it.

As mentioned, the breast diet lasts approximately two weeks.

As a rule, the beautiful half of humanity decides to go on a diet in order to lose weight, get in shape. The main goal of every diet is to return beauty, attractiveness and youth. As you know, female attractiveness is not only a slim and young body, but also certain sexual body shapes. What is one of the main adornments of a woman? Of course, beautiful, tall and firm breasts. And if you follow the principles of any diet, excess weight and volume leave not only the abdomen and thighs, but, of course, the chest. Every woman who has ever been on a diet knows this. In this regard, the diet for the breast is very interesting, as it allows you to get rid of excess weight and restore the beauty and excellent shape of the breast. Diet for the breast allows you to lose weight gradually, due to which the positive result persists for a long time. Another condition of the breast diet is the essential combination of proper nutrition with physical training, which trains the muscles of the chest, allowing it to maintain its elasticity and shape.

The breast diet is categorized as a low calorie diet plan. The products of this diet are determined so that the daily calorie intake is at least 1,500 per day. This amount of calories contributes, firstly, to a gradual “soft” weight loss, and, secondly, does not have the risk of unpleasant consequences for the skin and chest muscles.

Diet while following a breast diet

For breakfast, which should provide at least three hundred calories to the body, you need to eat twenty-five grams of sugar-free oatmeal, to which you can add whole milk. In addition, at breakfast you should eat fried toast and one soft-boiled egg.

For lunch, with which at least four hundred calories must enter the body, you need to eat a sandwich with boiled chicken and one green apple.

For dinner, food during which must contain at least four hundred and fifty calories, you can afford a lean beef casserole.

Lean beef casserole recipe. This recipe is for one person. One serving contains 450 calories, which includes the calories of potatoes and orange.

Ingredients for the casserole: one hundred grams of lean steak, one hundred grams of fresh frozen vegetables, 2 teaspoons of tomato paste, a glass of low-fat beef broth, a teaspoon of wheat flour, salt and pepper.

Cut the beef steak into cubes and roll in flour mixed with salt and pepper. Put the beef in a heat-resistant baking sheet, pour the vegetables on top. Stir tomato paste with warm broth, pour over meat and vegetables. Bake in an oven preheated to 325 degrees for about an hour and a half.

For a snack, you can eat half a chocolate bar and one apple.

Physical exercise during this diet is required. Exercises in the pool and special complexes for the muscles of the chest will have a particularly beneficial effect on the chest. Also, to strengthen the pectoral muscles, push-ups can be performed from the floor, while the arms must be placed as wide as possible. All exercises should be done regularly and preferably at the same time of day. It is this pattern of classes that is the key to successful positive results.

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