The right diet for gastritis: what to look for?

Like any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis requires special attention when choosing food products and their preparation. The observance of the correct diet becomes extremely important in the acute form of the disease, as well as in exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease.

However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to achieve recovery or relapse, following only the recommended diet – the cause of gastritis lies much deeper and lies in the infection of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, chronic Helicobacter pylori gastritis can be eliminated only by destroying the bacterium Helicobacter pylori by using a combination of medications. At the same time, patients who adhere to the prescribed diet tolerate the treatment period much easier.  

General rules

The fundamental rule of nutrition for this disease is the minimum intervals between meals. It is advisable to divide the daily diet into 5-6 servings, evenly distributed over the clock. At the same time, a therapeutic diet for gastritis suggests that each meal should be both full and moderate. Careful chewing of food is important. It is also not recommended to change the nutrition schedule throughout the rehabilitation period.  

The set of products acceptable for consumption is quite narrow, so for a while the patient will have to forget about his gourmet habits, if any. If possible, you should abandon coarse and fatty foods, as it takes longer to digest, which means that the longer it is in the stomach.

Dishes containing many spices require extreme caution when drinking. The same goes for fried food. The temperature of the products consumed by the patient during the diet with gastritis also plays an important role – unnecessarily cold or hot dishes are unacceptable. 

Carbonated drinks contain carbon dioxide, which upsets the acid-base balance in the stomach cavity, so you should refrain from drinking it. You should also do with alcoholic beverages.

Individual diet features

It is recommended to make special changes to the diet of medical nutrition if the acidity of the stomach of a patient with gastritis differs from normal. So, with increased acidity, food must be thoroughly grinded by rubbing food through a fine sieve. They cook steamed dishes, as well as boil or stew. Fish and meat in not very difficult conditions can be served in small pieces.

Bread is preferably eaten white and not of the first freshness. Rye bread, pastries, pancakes and pies are excluded by a diet with high acidity and gastritis . It is allowed to eat soups on low-fat broth with mashed vegetables, cereals in water or milk from semolina or rice groats.    

Meat is not completely excluded from the diet, but lean beef and rabbit are preferred. Bird and fish can also be eaten. These products are cooked, of course, should be steamed or in the oven. It is strongly not recommended to fry and stew meat.

It is permissible to use whole milk, cream and non-sour cream. Fruits and vegetables should be wiped and served boiled or baked, or steamed. Salted and pickled vegetables, as well as raw fruits and berries should be excluded from the diet.

Special recommendations should be followed by patients with gastritis with low acidity of the stomach. Diet foods should cause minimal mucosal damage. At the same time, it is necessary to provide stimulation of the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, a diet for patients with gastritis with a low level of acidity implies abstinence from rough foods that can mechanically disrupt the integrity of the mucosa.  

You should not eat foods that cause fermentation processes: milk, fresh flour products, cabbage, beans and grapes. It is necessary to refrain from smoked meats and spicy dishes. But unlike the diet for gastritis with high acidity, the second option of therapeutic nutrition allows you to include a moderate amount of fried food in the diet.

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