Month: July 2020


Diet for the New Year

There is not much time left before the New Year, and there is still much to be done. For example, put yourself in order. Many women, by their own example, know how difficult it is to combine the responsibilities of the hostess of the house in which the celebration will take place, and the conduct of events […]

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Diflucan for thrush – how to take it right?

Thrush occurs at the most inopportune moment and delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations. According to statistics, candidiasis occurs more often in women, but men are also susceptible to this disease. The fungus can even occur in a nursing baby if the mother has not been able to get rid of the fungus during pregnancy. […]

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Autumn diet

Autumn months are the time for restructuring the body for the winter regime, preparing it for frosty weather. This means that the fall diet should not only allow the body to safely lose weight, but also protect it from various diseases associated with bad weather. The Autumn Diet includes a range of antioxidant-rich foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables, […]

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Green diet

The Green Diet was developed by American experts. It is not difficult to guess that the main principle of the green diet is the consumption of green fruits and vegetables. According to the developers of this principle of dietary nutrition, the elimination of excess weight is carried out due to the effect on the body of a […]

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Egg diet

The egg diet has become very fashionable lately. Probably, this was not done without the ubiquitous media, whose habit often includes active advertising of a particular product. Perhaps this happened with the egg diet. Nevertheless, such a diet has its advantages. Firstly, the diet on eggs is accessible to everyone and everyone, since the main product of the diet […]

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Striped diet

Hearing the word diet, many have an association with a low-calorie diet, which should be followed for some time. The purpose of diets is to eliminate excess weight, normalize metabolic processes in the body and improve the general condition. In reality, there are a huge number of different types of diets that have a different set […]

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Diet for dyskinesia

Dyskinesia is a combination of intestinal disorders that occur due to a disorder of the intestinal motor function, provided that there are no organic lesions. Diet for dyskinesia is extremely important, since it is proper nutrition that allows the intestines to function properly. People suffering from intestinal dyskinesia need to eat foods boiled or cooked in […]

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Bread diet

A bread diet does not belong to the category of mono-diet, when it is allowed to eat only one product. The bread diet allows you to eat vegetables and even meat with bread. The main advantage of the bread diet is that it helps to lose weight without harming the mood, as a person essentially refuses a […]

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Five day diet

There are situations in every person’s life when you need to quickly lose weight and get in shape. A five-day diet was created specifically for such situations. The diet of the five-day diet is very limited, so you can’t sit on it for a long time. After completing the diet, the low-calorie principle should be observed, since in […]

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