Bread diet

A bread diet does not belong to the category of mono-diet, when it is allowed to eat only one product. The bread diet allows you to eat vegetables and even meat with bread. The main advantage of the bread diet is that it helps to lose weight without harming the mood, as a person essentially refuses a little.

You can eat up to twelve medium slices of bread a day and gradually get rid of the hated excess weight.

The first to undertake the rationale for this diet was nutritionist Olga Raz, one of the most highly qualified specialists in the field of nutrition in one of the Tel Aviv medical centers. Before embarking on the development of the actual bread diet, she studied the effects of different foods on the serotonin levels in the blood. As many people know, serotonin is a hormone of happiness and good mood. It turned out that as a result of eating protein foods, the concentration of serotonin decreased, leading to the desire to eat something sweet. Accordingly, the mood worsened. But as a result of eating carbohydrate-containing foods, the level of serotonin increased. To maintain normal serotonin levels, the nutritionist suggested eating at least ten slices of bread daily. This is where the development and substantiation of the bread diet began.

The essence of the bread diet

The daily diet should be based on small sandwiches. To make sandwiches, you need to take bread from wholemeal flour or whole grains. The sandwich filling is applied to the bread to taste. Every two hours you need to eat one sandwich.

Bread diet

Regular consumption of carbohydrates that are found in bread makes you forget about sweets. The concentration of glucose and insulin in the blood returns to normal, and the level of serotonin becomes higher. In other words, the bangs as if encircles the body around the finger. A person practically does not feel hunger, but at the same time he feels a good mood and cheerfulness.

How to start a bread diet

In the first week of following the bread diet, it is necessary to eat up to sixteen small sandwiches a day for men, up to twelve sandwiches for women. You can put vegetables and leaf lettuce on the sandwich. In addition to sandwiches, you can make a light vegetable salad or lean soup. Three times a week, instead of several sandwiches, it is allowed to eat 200 grams of boiled chicken breast or boiled beef. Once a day, you can afford a serving of low-fat yogurt and a serving of fresh fruit. During the second week, meat or chicken can be eaten twice. In addition to sandwiches, you can make oatmeal and muesli, dark parboiled rice and wholemeal pasta, boiled potatoes, and boiled beans.

Restrictions on the bread diet

Throughout the bread diet, you should forbid yourself even thinking about sweets, margarine and butter, mayonnaise, white fluffy bread and other products from wheat flour, fast food and fatty meat, fruit juices with sugar.

The basis of the bread diet

The basis of this principle of dietary nutrition is whole grain bread. In addition to bread, you can eat vegetables, including salted and pickled, low-fat and low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, chicken, olive oil.

Duration and effect of the bread diet

Bread diet involves two stages. The first stage includes two weeks, when the main loss of extra pounds occurs. The second stage is considered fixing. It is very good if, in addition to the diet, a person will lead an active lifestyle.

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