Green diet

The Green Diet was developed by American experts. It is not difficult to guess that the main principle of the green diet is the consumption of green fruits and vegetables. According to the developers of this principle of dietary nutrition, the elimination of excess weight is carried out due to the effect on the body of a kind of negative calories. In other words, a green diet includes foods that provide the body with fewer calories than it needs to be processed and absorbed by the digestive system. Due to the return of the body’s efforts, the process of weight loss occurs. It is this statement that formed the basis of the frenzied popularity of the green diet.

However, many experts say that this assurance is not completely correct. In other words, they believe that the result of a green diet is based on the fact that green plant-based foods tend to be low in calories, no starch, and low in carbohydrates. However, green plant-based foods contain healthy fiber.

A green diet allows you to eat plant-based foods such as fresh green-skinned cucumbers and apples, green bell peppers and squash, fresh kiwi and green lettuce, spinach, parsley and dill, and cabbage leaves.

In addition to these plant foods, the green diet is allowed to eat small amounts of eggs and seafood, sea fish fillets and white chicken meat, legumes and dairy products. In other words, all those foods that are rich in protein compounds and fatty acids.

Approximate Daily Green Diet Menu

For breakfast, it is recommended to drink a cup of green tea broth, eat half a package of low-fat cottage cheese. Cottage cheese can be replaced with low-fat yogurt, a boiled egg with apple, grapes, or kiwi.

For lunch, you need to prepare a salad of green vegetables. It is better to use olive oil for dressing, without adding salt to the salad. The greens and vegetables in the salad can be used in turn.

For lunch, you can cook two hundred grams of boiled white chicken meat or the same amount of fish fillets. In addition to green salad.

The first, fourth, seventh and ninth days of the green diet – marrow marrow stewed in olive oil, seasoned with herbs for lunch.

For an afternoon snack, it is recommended to prepare a vegetable salad or fruit dessert, which can be seasoned with low-fat yogurt.

Stewed zucchini are prepared for dinner. The first, fourth, seventh and ninth days of the green diet – for dinner two hundred grams of boiled white chicken meat or boiled fish and vegetable salad.

Before bed, you can afford a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

The green diet lasts ten days. All food that needs to be consumed in a day is divided into six meals. If you feel hungry between meals, you can eat a green apple, a few grapes, or half a kiwi.

In addition, it is necessary, as with any other diet, to drink as much as possible. The ideal drink for a green diet is green tea. This drink normalizes metabolic processes, helps to process fats and removes toxic substances from the body.

The green diet is great for the people of Russia, although it was authored by Americans. A huge amount of research on the human diet has shown that ideal foods are those that grow in climates where the person himself lives. And just all of these products are growing in Russia.

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