Month: March 2021


Chicken Diet Reduces Cancer Risk During Adolescence

A high school “chicken diet” may reduce the risk of a precancerous condition that can develop into colon cancer, a new study shows. The study involved nearly 20,000 women between the ages of 34 and 51, and the division went specifically to those who did not eat a lot of chicken in their teens and those who […]

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Beer diet

Many people believe that a couple of mugs a day will not harm a healthy male body, but, on the contrary, will relax the body. And someone says that beer is good for women. But we forget about the main thing! Beer, along with vodka, cognac, port, is an alcoholic drink. And this drink also contains alcohol. Now everyone knows […]

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Diet for the heart

The heart is the engine for the human body. It worksfor wear and tear, an organ that never stops. A person, more often than not, does notthink about the fact that his engine needs good fuel. After all, the heartsuffers to the last. Diet for the heart is very important. This problemis especially acute when there are any pathologies. Various cardiacdiseases greatly undermine […]

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Diet for urolithiasis

Diet for urolithiasis plays an extremely importantrole. The formation of a diet should be carried out by the attending physician, depending onwhat composition of stones the analyzes show and what exactly are the root causes of thedisease. A diet for urolithiasis should exclude from the diet thosefoods that can provoke the growth or formation of newdeposits. The stones […]

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What diet is needed for the New Year

Diet for the New Year is not such a difficult task. Of course,losing weight on holidays is simply not realistic, but getting the whole storm of emotions andpleasure, and not gaining extra calories, is quite a feasible and easytask. In general terms, this requires eating less fatty foods and leading anon-sedentary lifestyle during the holidays. In order to […]

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Anti-cellulite diet

As you know, a person’s appearance largely depends on thefood that he consumes. For women, cellulite becomes the main problem with age. In this case, a specialanti-cellulite diet is very appropriate , which is based on a rationally balanced diet.  Anti-cellulite diet includes a number of basic rules,adhering to which you can generally avoid the appearance of cellulite. You needto eat raw vegetables and […]

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