Month: March 2020


Chocolate Diet

Are there people on earth who don’t like chocolate? Probably there are, but there are few of them. But there are those who want to become slimmer ??? There are, of course, many of them, especially women. It is for them who want to part with excess weight, and who cannot imagine life without chocolate, came up with a […]

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Canadian detox diet

The human body, like vegetation, absorbs a lot of harmful substances from the environment – toxins  (heavy metals, stimulants, preservatives and others), absorbing them with air, food and water. In addition to this flow of toxins from outside, the human body itself is able to produce toxins – in this case, metabolic metabolic products that occur during digestion […]

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Mediterranean diet lowers genetic stroke risk

Scientists say the so-called Mediterranean diet can prevent the genetic risk of stroke, as it interacts with a specific gene variant, which is usually associated with the second type of diabetes. Researchers (TuftsUniversity, CIBERFisiopatologiadelaObesidadyNutricion) conducted a research study that analyzed 7018 men and women already involved in the PREDIMED clinical trial. This test lasted five years, […]

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Cabbage diet

What diets do not exist – they struggle with weight by eating chocolate, drinking liters of dry red wine, eating only raw foods. Probably, each of the diets has a right to exist, as is the cabbage diet , which is very popular among women. I. It is worth noting, not in vain.  Healthy vegetable – cabbage In the […]

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Copper diet linked to Alzheimer’s

A new study suggests that copper, which enters the body in quantities that make up its average content in modern diets, can ultimately lead to the development of Alzheimer’s disease by lowering the body’s ability to eliminate toxic proteins in the brain, as well as due to that it promotes the adhesion of these proteins. […]

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Mediterranean diet offers protection against type 2 diabetes

A new study shows that a Mediterranean diet, as well as low-carb diets, can offer protection against type 2 diabetes. The research paper was published in the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, its author is Dr. Carlo La Vechchia (Dr. CarloLaVecchia, MarioNegri Institute of Pharmacological Research). Dr. La Vecchia and his […]

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Therapeutic diet or what you can eat with psoriasis

Treatment of any serious or chronic disease is necessarily accompanied by compliance with special nutritional rules, that is, a special diet. Since such a common skin disease as psoriasis belongs to the group of incurable diseases, it is impossible to perceive the diet in psoriasis as one of the ways to recover. But if you adhere to […]

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