Treatment of any serious or chronic disease is necessarily accompanied by compliance with special nutritional rules, that is, a special diet. Since such a common skin disease as psoriasis belongs to the group of incurable diseases, it is impossible to perceive the diet in psoriasis as one of the ways to recover. But if you adhere to certain rules in the diet, then you can significantly reduce the symptoms of this unpleasant disease, and reduce the risk of possible exacerbations.
So, what you can eat with psoriasis , which products and in what proportions should be included in the therapeutic diet, and which products should be completely excluded from the menu, we will consider right now.
Products that are recommended for use in psoriasis are conventionally divided into two groups: alkali-forming and acid-forming. Superiority is given to products that create an alkaline environment in the digestive tract – their content in the patient’s diet should be at least 70%. Products creating an acidic environment, respectively, are in second place – only 20-30% of the total.
Alkali-forming products
First of all, any berries and fruits are useful for psoriasis products. All of them, without exception, have the property of creating a soft alkaline environment in the digestive tract, even those that taste very acidic. An exception to the rule is only five types of fruits – blueberries, prunes and plums, cranberries, currants.
Eat bananas, apples, and also melons should be separate from all other products. In addition, citruses in any form can not be combined with dairy products and crops.
What can I eat with psoriasis yet? Of course, vegetables, which also contribute to the formation of a favorable alkaline environment in the gastrointestinal tract. However, among vegetables there are some types, the use of which patients should be limited. These are all legumes, pumpkin, rhubarb and Brussels sprouts.
In addition, it is recommended that all nightshade crops, i.e. potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, bell pepper, etc., be completely excluded from the diet.
Acid-forming Products
The list of products that contribute to the formation of an acidic environment in the digestive tract is quite extensive. This is all kinds of meat, many crops, cheeses and cottage cheese, butter and any vegetable oil, sugar and much more. But you should be very careful when eating them, because such foods contain a large amount of proteins, sugars, starch, organic acids and natural fats. Incorrect combination or proportionality of acid-forming products can adversely affect the skin condition of a patient with psoriasis.
When answering the question of what you can eat with psoriasis, it is necessary to note the benefits of some products used for dietary nutrition.
For example, it is recommended that patients with psoriasis add lecithin to food in a tablespoon 3 times a day, with a course of no more than 5 days. It is better to replace coffee beans with lemon juice diluted in boiled water. Drink as many juices as possible from spinach, celery, parsley, beets and carrots, which contribute to the normalization of digestion, perfectly cleanse the intestines and liver, and serve as a tonic.
It is recommended to include gooseberries, viburnum, blueberries, lingonberries and black currants in the menu. In addition to berries, you need to eat cereals – wheat, oatmeal and especially buckwheat.
But on the contrary, doctors do not recommend combining products such as cereals, fruits, bread and stewed vegetables. If possible, it is necessary to minimize or completely eliminate sugar, wine vinegar, seasonings, food additives, alcohol, sausages, white bread, any kind of fish, sugary drinks, fast food.
If you follow this therapeutic diet almost all the time, the disease will recede and psoriasis plaques will not be so noticeable on the skin. So, the patient will not experience any discomfort when communicating with others.