Month: July 2021


Diet with erosion of the stomach, causes, symptoms

Periodic or persistent pain already tortured? Perhaps it was erosion in the stomach. There is constant weakness, sometimes nausea appears, especially if you eat before bedtime. The disease can be diagnosed only after gastroendoscopy . The disease can be detected in 15% of all patients who have been examined. What is stomach erosion Erosion of the stomach is a pathology in […]

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Diet to clear acne skin

Acne on the skin does not just appear. Their occurrence is necessarily due to the influence of some provoking factor, and possibly more than one. Therefore, it is very important to establish the true cause against which the problems appeared. As a rule, with the rare appearance of acne, the reason lies only in improper nutrition and with […]

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Diet for intestinal colitis, menu, permitted foods

Colitis is a pathology associated with an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the large intestine. This disease is much more common than gastritis. In almost 70% of all patients, colitis is accompanied by dysbiosis.Pathology may appear against the background of a tubercle bacillus, infectious diseases. Of no small importance in the formation of pathology is the […]

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Eating rules for low hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is a protein. It contains iron and is found in the blood. The red color of blood is due precisely to the content of hemoglobin and oxygen in it. If this substance is not enough, then oxygen enters the blood in an insufficient amount. A low hemoglobin content can lead to irreversible consequences in the body. Why is […]

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Diet for pancreatic pancreatitis sample menu

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the pancreas. The outflow of bile is disturbed, as a result, the enzymes of the gland do not penetrate into the duodenum and remain in it. The pancreas begins to gradually collapse, which even threatens death.Every year, this type of disease is diagnosed in more and more people. Pathology even occurs in […]

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8 Important Things to Know about Taking Antibiotics

One of the most important discoveries of the XX-th century, which allowed saving millions of lives, was an antibiotic-a drug used to treat bacterial infections. And it entered our life so closely that many people stopped understanding the seriousness of this drug and put it in the “home first aid kit” along with other medicines. […]

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Intralipotherapy procedure for a beautiful and slim figure

Beauty Season is a cosmetology clinic in St. Petersburg that offers clients a wide range of services to help them regain and preserve their beauty. These include care and injection cosmetology, laser hair removal and hardware procedures. Intralipotherapy is especially popular among patients , which allows them to get rid of a double chin, reduce body volume and acquire smoother and sharper body contours.  What are the benefits of intralipotherapy […]

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Abdominal obesity

Abdominal obesity is an independent risk factor for the development of type II sugar and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Regardless of your weight and body mass index – if your belly is big, it can cause many health problems. Symptoms of abdominal obesity With abdominal obesity, the waist circumference in men is more than 94 […]

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