8 Important Things to Know about Taking Antibiotics

One of the most important discoveries of the XX-th century, which allowed saving millions of lives, was an antibiotic-a drug used to treat bacterial infections. And it entered our life so closely that many people stopped understanding the seriousness of this drug and put it in the “home first aid kit” along with other medicines. But when taking antibiotics, there are several very important rules that you should know about and should not forget. Let’s discuss them.

1) Antibiotics should be prescribed by a doctor.

The first and most important thing to remember is that in our country they can be bought in free access, which is regarded by many as a call to action: buy and be treated.

When selecting and prescribing antibiotics, there are many factors that cannot be taken into account after reading a couple of articles or even a whole book. For the appointment of antibiotics, an examination is necessary.

Do not risk your health and your children’s – go to the doctor, DO NOT self-medicate.

It is best to buy antibiotics in trusted pharmacies, so we recommend you a website for selling antibiotics online.

2) Antibiotics do NOT work against viruses.

In the ” people” there was an opinion that with ARVI, you can start taking antibiotics to avoid complications. The main misconception here is that you will not avoid complications, but only get new ones in the form of surviving bacteria. And these complications will be much more difficult to treat.

Therefore, just remember: antibiotics do NOT work against viruses and many other infections.

3) Bring the treatment to the end.

In any case, do not interrupt the treatment if you or the child has become better. If you think that the doctor has prescribed too long a course, discuss it with your doctor, but do not cancel taking the drug yourself.

How is it dangerous? Insufficient doses of the antibiotic in the body lead to the fact that bacteria resistant to the antibiotic remain in the body. These preserved bacteria, in the future, will also have to be fought with antibiotics, only more rare, expensive and, possibly, with more serious consequences for the body.

4) It is better to wait than to hurry.

There are very few diseases in which an antibiotic should be prescribed immediately, and when, literally, every second is precious. These diseases are extremely dangerous and should not be treated independently.

Take your time, take tests and give the doctor the opportunity to observe and make an informed decision about the appointment of the drug.

5) Do not reuse the remaining antibiotics.

Repeated treatment with the same drug increases the risk of an allergic reaction.

In addition, if the disease occurs again, it is most likely associated with “surviving” microbes after the first course of treatment. Accordingly, the previously used drug may be ineffective.

6) Follow the dosage and other rules of treatment.

Do not hesitate to ask questions to the attending physician and study the instructions. The rules for taking antibiotics differ, depending on the drug, and for a positive result it is very important to strictly observe them.

An overdose of antibiotics entails extremely unpleasant consequences that are dangerous for the life and health of the patient. The dosage is less than the norm, as already noted above, will save some of the bacteria in the body, which will then be much more difficult to fight.

7) Drink only water.

No medicines, including antibiotics, can be washed down with anything other than water. In particular, drinking tea, coffee, milk and juices (especially grapefruit) is excluded.

Drinking the drug with drinks other than water, you risk affecting its effectiveness and allowing undesirable side effects.

8) Be rational about the use of antibiotics.

Summing up the points listed above, do not mindlessly treat the possibility of unhindered purchase of antibiotics and use them only as prescribed by a doctor.

After all, the more actively we use antibiotics, the more resistant the bacteria become, which leads to the need to use new antibiotics.

Let’s be reasonable about our health and the inventions of science that help us in this.

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