The best foods to beat this summer’s heat

Summer conjures up images of barbecues and pool parties, but too many charred burgers can make you feel sleepy and full. Eating the wrong foods during the summer can make you feel tired and lethargic, while seasonal eating can have a cooling effect on your body that’s perfect during hot sun and high temperatures.

We instinctively reach for different foods during the cold and warm months. The choice of different foods has little to do with calories and has much to do with the warming or cooling effect they have on the body when we eat them. So, for example, a summer diet should not include a lot of meat, which has a warming effect on the body.

Foods containing high levels of potassium have a cooling effect on the human body, allowing you to feel light. These products include: beets, seaweed, cantaloupe, prunes, raisins, peas, baked potatoes, spinach, crimini mushrooms , cod, yogurt, lentils, dry peas, beans, soybeans, avocados. Salads, tomatoes, cucumbers, and delicious summer fruits like watermelon and berries should be included in your summer diet. In addition, it is recommended to give preference to seafood and accompany it with seaweed, as it also has cooling properties. Summer foods don’t have to be boring: fresh ginger, cilantro, marjoram, mint, and even white pepper are cooling spices that add delicious flavor to summer meals. When it comes to cooling from the inside, the rule of thumb is that the lighter and faster the food is cooked, the more cooling it will be. Try steaming, stewing, or raw vegetable dishes drizzled with olive oil.

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