Sweet diets

Sweet diet on lollipops and sweets. Such a sweet diet includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, consisting only of hard candies. The best option is lollipops with vitamins, which are sold in pharmacies. With such a diet, it is necessary to compensate for calcium in the body, which can be taken in tablet form. Such a sweet diet can be diluted with low-fat cottage cheese, a few glasses of low-fat milk or low-fat yogurt. Daily brushing of teeth is required.

The first day of the diet on lollipops and sweets is a guaranteed loss of one or one and a half kilograms of weight. Moreover, in the process of this diet, the state of health is quite good, because after a few sweet sweets, the appetite disappears. If you follow the rules of this sweet diet, you must drink at least two liters of ordinary clean water daily. The first week of this sweet diet makes it possible to lose even up to eight kilograms of excess weight.

The second week of the sweet diet is a full balanced breakfast, and lunch and dinner still consist of sweets and lollipops. At the same time, a few more kilograms of excess weight are lost. The third week involves eating lollipops only as dinner.

However, doctors do not recommend eating sweets and lollipops for more than three days in a row, as they are harmful to health in large quantities. Sweets and lollipops can cause ulcers and gastritis, disorders of water, salt and protein balance. In the end, they pose a threat to the pancreas and liver.

Another option for a sweet diet is the chocolate diet. Every day it is allowed to eat no more than one hundred grams of bitter natural chocolate, you can drink them with coffee or tea without sugar. You can stick to such a diet for no more than five days in a row. As a result, you can lose up to six kilograms. Chocolate interrupts the feeling of hunger, and coffee helps to avoid digestive problems.

Diet on carbohydrates. The essence of the diet is that you need to eat ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The issue here is calcium. If there is not enough calcium in the body, then fat begins to be deposited. If calcium is in abundance, then fat, on the contrary, is burned. As a result, the process of losing weight occurs. Ice cream is a real storehouse of calcium. But you have to be careful not to catch a cold. People suffering from kidney disease should be more careful with ice cream, kidney stones can form from an excess of calcium in the body.

Professional nutritionists, not taking into account the very effective effect of many sweet diets, recommend dietary complexes, where all the nutrients, vitamins and microelements required by the body are successfully collected. But with mono -diets one must be extremely careful and careful. You can’t “sit” on such diets for a long time. Especially if the diet is based on sweets. A sugary diet, given the ignorance of boundaries, can simply lead to the development of diabetes, especially in people who are already predisposed to this.

First day of the sweet diet

For breakfast: tea with lemon without sugar, a teaspoon of flower honey, fresh fruit.

For lunch: 100 grams of cream cheese, unsweetened coffee, a tablespoon of flower honey.

For dinner: 200 grams of lean broth without meat, fresh fruit salad.

At night: unsweetened tea with lemon.

Second day of the sweet diet

For breakfast: boiled chicken egg, a spoonful of flower honey, tea or coffee without sugar.

For lunch: 100 grams of cream cheese, vegetable salad, ice cream.

For dinner: a slice of bran bread, vegetable salad.

At night: tea without sugar.

Third day of the sweet diet

For breakfast: boiled chicken egg, coffee without sugar, a spoonful of flower honey.

For lunch: 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, fresh apple, tea without sugar.

For dinner: 150 grams of boiled fish, fresh vegetable salad.

At night: tea without sugar.

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