Soup diet

The soup diet is perfect for Russians, especially during the winter months, since it is during this period that fresh fruits are not available to everyone, and it is quite difficult to follow a diet precisely because the range of food items for following the diet is very limited. And everyone can afford a soup diet based on vegetable soup. The composition of the diet soups guarantees great health and harmony. A carefully selected composition of products for making dietary soups, supplemented with seasonings and spices, makes it possible to easily sit on a soup diet for a week and lose up to four kilograms of excess weight. What’s the point? The fact is that a portion of a dietary soup, almost lean, includes only no more than thirty kcal. But all vitamins, minerals and trace elements, when they enter the body, form special enzymes that burn the resulting calories. In addition, the process of removing toxins and toxins, metabolic processes are normalized. The soup diet assumes that the body does not receive fats, while onions and other vegetables, on the contrary, decompose fats. It should also be noted that the body spends more energy on digesting green vegetables than it receives from them.

It’s worth starting with a dietary soup recipe for a soup diet. In order to prepare several servings of dietary soup, you need to take:

– half a medium white cabbage fork;

– 6 pcs. fresh medium-sized carrots;

– 6 pcs. medium onions;

– 2 pcs. red bell pepper;

– celery greens;

– green onions;

– half a kilo of green beans;

– 3 pcs. tomatoes without skin;

– A glass of tomato juice;

– 1 packet of bagged soup;

– fresh herbs and spices.

Vegetables must be washed and chopped. Then place them in a saucepan with a large container, pour water on top so that the water covers the vegetables completely. Bring the broth to a boil, let it simmer for ten minutes. Then cook over low heat until vegetables are ready. Spices are added to taste.

What else is allowed on a soup diet

Diet soup is a non-nutritious dish, so you can eat it as much as you like. Meanwhile, you should not eat only soup. Other foods should be included in the daily diet.

Menu of the first day of the soup diet

You can eat soup and any fresh fruit, with the exception of bananas. It is allowed to drink still mineral water, unsweetened tea and coffee.

Menu for the second day of the soup diet

We eat dietary soup and vegetables in any form – frozen, fresh or canned. It is forbidden to eat all legumes and corn. You cannot eat fruits, and you can only drink non-carbonated mineral water.

Menu of the third day of the soup diet

You can eat dietary soup, fresh vegetables and fruits, except for potatoes, bananas and beans. You can only drink water. During these three days, if you follow a diet, you can lose about three kilograms.

Menu of the fourth day of the soup diet

Allowed to eat soup, fresh vegetables and fruits, bananas, you can eat a maximum of three pieces. You can drink milk and still mineral water.

Menu of the fifth day of the soup diet

Permitted – dietary soup, boiled lean beef – no more than 500 grams. Tomatoes can be eaten fresh or canned. You can only drink water, and as much as possible.

Menu of the sixth day of the soup diet

The diet is similar to the previous day. It is forbidden to eat potatoes.

Menu of the seventh day of the soup diet

Allowed to eat long-grain rice, freshly squeezed fruit juices without sugar and all the same soup. It is allowed to add spices to the soup. You can only drink water.

If the soup diet was strictly followed, then by the end of it you can lose from six to nine kilograms.

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