Proteins in nutrition

Proteins in the diet are extremely important. Proteins in the human body are responsible for the development of muscle mass. With a deficiency of these compounds, muscles can develop incorrectly, which negatively affects the overall development of the body.

The importance of protein in nutrition was the basis for the development of protein nutrition designed for weight loss. However, such a power scheme is a double-edged sword. The fact is that you can not deprive the body of any of the vital compounds – proteins, fats and carbohydrates. On the other hand, an excess of these substances, in particular proteins, can also harm human health.

The amount of protein in the diet with a certain diet is increased by minimizing other substances, in particular carbohydrates. Based on this principle, foods such as flour and sweets, cereals and legumes, milk and sour-milk products are excluded from the diet. In addition, with protein nutrition, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, since it contains for the most part a lot of sugar, that is, carbohydrates.

If you can’t eat so many foods, what can you do? You can eat all kinds of meat, poultry and fish meat. The daily menu of the protein diet can be supplemented with raw-boiled sausages, ham, mushrooms, water, unsweetened green tea and coffee. Cooking should be steamed. When frying, only olive oil can be used.

The maximum duration of a protein diet is ten days, during which you need to eat at least five times a day. Another important rule of the protein diet is to drink at least two liters of water daily, in fact, as much as possible. It is important to remember that with a protein diet, drinking during meals and for thirty minutes after eating is prohibited. Meat products should be two parts, vegetables one part.

The task of proteins in nutrition is to reprogram the body’s forces to burn fat. It is known that for the same number of calories, a protein diet will be more effective than a diet based on foods high in carbohydrates.

The benefits of protein in nutrition include the fact that with its help you can significantly reduce weight without feeling hungry.

There is a protein diet and negative sides. Allowed products deprive the body of many useful vitamins and minerals, which over time leads to loss of nail strength, skin peeling and increased fatigue. Kidneys with such a diet work more actively. For people suffering from kidney disease, such a diet is strictly prohibited.

Where is the least protein found?

Bread and bakery products, all flour, sweet pastries, cereals, dairy and sour-milk products, sugar and sugar surrogates, absolutely all fruits, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, fruit juices and nectars, any nuts and seeds, legumes, beets, carrots and potatoes , corn, eggplant and all marinades, salted cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, seafood (except fish).

Where is the most protein found?

All types of meat, lard, boiled sausages, any sea and river fish, chicken eggs, fried mushrooms, vegetables, except for prohibited ones, unsweetened water, coffee, green, olive oil, garlic, lemon.

Boiled sausages and sausages should not be abused due to the fact that they contain potato starch, zucchini, squash and eggplant.

Vegetable salads are best cooked without dressing. If you can’t do without, then you can season salads with olive oil or lemon juice. The number of meals is at least five times daily. If you don’t want to, you need to through “I can’t”. Before eating, a glass of water is drunk. After eight o’clock in the evening you can only drink, it is forbidden to eat.

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