Diet while breastfeeding

A complete and balanced breastfeeding diet is very important for both the well-being of the nursing mother and the proper composition of breast milk. A deficiency in the composition of breast milk of such nutrients as proteins and fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, useful trace elements and minerals, and, in addition, the presence in breast milk of unfavorable substances such as alcohol or nicotine, or all kinds of chemical reagents that are contained in abundance in the vast majority of food products sold, can negatively affect the health of the child. In the future, developmental pathologies may arise.  

The diet for breastfeeding a nursing mother is very similar to those diets that experts advise to follow in the process of carrying a child. The diet of a breastfeeding woman should be rich in vitamins and proteins. It is very important that the food that the nursing mother is eating is very fresh and of high quality. These products should not contain the chemical food additives that modern food manufacturers love so much. These additives include all kinds of artificial colors and preservatives. Alcoholic drinks for a nursing woman are absolutely prohibited. 

One kilogram of body weight of a nursing woman should have at least two grams of protein, 150 grams of fat and 500 grams of carbohydrates. More than half of the daily protein requirement must be met by animal protein. In this regard, every day you need to eat 250 grams of lean meat or sea fish, drink a liter of fresh milk or other fermented milk products, 150-200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, chicken eggs and cheese. Of all that has been mentioned, special attention should be paid to milk and fermented milk products. It is these products that are the main source of calcium intake into the body, which is extremely necessary for the proper development of the baby and for the formation of high-grade breast milk.

A breastfeeding diet should certainly include in the daily diet the use of about a kilogram of vegetables and fresh fruits, herbs and fresh berries, freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits. This combination of products is able to provide the growing baby’s body with all the necessary nutrients and microelements that he will receive along with breast milk. It is recommended to eat rye bread. It is worth limiting baked goods, sugar.

Too strictly the principle of nutrition for lactating women should not be adhered to. The exception is moms and their babies with allergies. The breastfeeding diet is a habitual diet, slightly adjusted to the general principles of healthy eating. You should try to make your daily diet as varied as possible. 

Often there are recommendations for excluding certain foods from the diet, excluding fried, salty and fatty foods from the menu of a nursing woman. In reality, all this can be done, if these restrictions are unreasoned. The only thing to be guided by when choosing food is the well-being and state of health of the baby and the mother herself. 

Diet while breastfeeding in the presence of an allergic factor is a separate conversation. In principle, any food that a breastfeeding mother eats can cause allergies in a young child. However, a number of foods are highlighted to which allergic reactions are most often observed. These are citrus fruits, raspberries and strawberries, grapes and sea buckthorn, chocolate and other sweets, chicken eggs, sometimes meat, and unnatural food additives. 

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