Diet for acetone in children

Acetone or ketoacidosis is a condition characterized by an increase in blood levels of ketone bodies. Ketone bodies are intermediate products of energy metabolism. A similar condition is more often observed in children, as a result of poisoning the body. In addition, in children the digestion processes are still at the formation stage, the processes of utilization or processing of ketone bodies are reduced in contrast to the adult organism, and the energy expenditure in the growing organism is quite large. Therefore, with any eating disorders, ketone bodies accumulate in excess in blood and have a toxic effect on the baby.  

The principles of diet for acetone in children

The diet for acetone in children has a number of its features:

  1. Exclusion from the child’s diet of fatty foods, as well as products with purine bases;
  2. Frequent (5-6 times a day) fractional meals in small portions;
  3. Food without coercion;
  4. Abundant drinking of alkaline water (Borjomi, Polyana Kvasova; Morshinskaya, Truskavets water). Before taking it, you must necessarily release gases from the water.

How to lower acetone?

To determine the level of acetone, special tests are sold in the pharmacy, having acquired which, you can find out the result in a few minutes.

In order to assess the condition of the child and prescribe treatment, a doctor’s examination is required.

To stop the acenomic crisis, first of all, you need a plentiful drink. It is best to drink the child every 10-15 minutes in small portions (1 tablespoon is enough). The main rule is that the more fluid the body absorbs, the faster the child’s acetone will decrease.

If the child has an increase in acetone accompanied by vomiting, it is necessary to dilute him with rehydron and additionally water with glucose. In severe cases, hospitalization and droppers may be required.

What foods can a child with acetone?

On the first day of increasing the child’s acetone, you can only drink with water, in the absence of vomiting, eat a few crackers, but without additives.

On the second day, in addition to crackers, a baked apple and a little rice broth are allowed.

On the third day, you can include grated rice porridge to all of the above.

On the fourth day, a child’s diet may include light soup in vegetable oil and biscuit cookies.

Each stage should be accompanied by a plentiful drink.

Further acetone diets may include kefir, milk, cottage cheese, various cereals, vegetable broth soup, lean meat from adult animals, one egg per day, fresh vegetables and fruits, juice with pulp, potatoes.

What foods are not allowed for a child with acetone?

Following a diet with increased acetone in a child, it is necessary to exclude from his diet soups and borscht on meat and bone broth, veal, fatty pork, smoked meats, herring, canned food, tomatoes, sorrel, cauliflower, rhubarb, spinach, bananas, kiwi, black tea , cocoa, coffee, pastry, sour cream, chips, fizzy drinks.

All dishes that a parent prepares for a child with an acenomic crisis should be boiled, stewed or steamed. It is not recommended to store food, follow the principle: cooked – fed.

In order that the acenomic crisis does not recur later, it is recommended to continue to follow a diet even after full recovery.

The emotional calm of the child is also important. Acetone can rise with both strong negative and strong positive emotions.

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