Common foods with unusual properties

Today we will give you the opportunity to learn about the beneficial properties of well-known conventional products.


Kale, or cabbage, is recognized as an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, beta-carotene, calcium and vitamin C. Its potential benefits include lowering the risk of certain cancers, lowering the risk of coronary heart disease, and lowering bad cholesterol.


The kiwi fruit is loaded with various beneficial nutrients, but it contains only a small amount of calories, moreover, the concentration of vitamin C in it is the highest of any known fruit. The potential health benefits of kiwi include maintaining healthy skin tone and texture, lowering blood pressure, and preventing heart disease and stroke.


Mango refers to a stone fruit in which the flesh is located around the stone with a seed inside. Stone fruits also include olives, finns and even coconuts. Studies have suggested that increasing the intake of plant foods such as mangoes can lower the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diet, heart disease, as well as improve hair health, increase energy, and even promote weight loss.


Dairy products, including milk itself, are the best sources of calcium. Calcium has various characteristics that are beneficial to the body, however, its main role is in the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. Calcium is also important for blood clots and wound healing, maintaining optimal blood pressure, and muscle contractions, including heart muscle contractions. Milk also provides the body with magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B6, B12 and riboflavin. Potential health benefits of milk include maintaining bone health, blood pressure and heart health, as well as increasing vitamin D levels, a deficiency associated with depression, chronic fatigue and premenstrual syndrome.

Coconut milk

There are many reasons why people choose an alternative to regular milk: allergies, lactose intolerance or adherence to a vegan lifestyle. Vegans avoid eating any animal products, including milk, cheese, eggs, and honey. Soy isoflavones have the potential to prevent heart disease, and about 10 milligrams of soy per day can lower the chance of breast cancer recurrence by 25%. And increased consumption of soy milk can be beneficial for women during menopause.


Peppermint, also known as menthol, contains over twenty rateni. Peppermint oil is quite often used in toothpaste, chewing gum, candy and beauty products, while the leaves are more often used fresh or dried for tea and a variety of dishes. Peppermint has one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants; it has a positive effect on allergies, colds, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome and skin conditions.


Despite the fact that mushrooms are classified as vegetables in the world of food, they are still not of plant origin. They belong to the kingdom of mushrooms, but still provide the human body with useful substances. Potential benefits of mushrooms include helping to inhibit the growth of carcinogenic cells, regulating blood pressure, and improving the immune response to infections.


Oats contain a high concentration of a fiber known as beta-glucan, which helps lower bad cholesterol. Potential benefits of oats include lowering the risk of coronary heart disease, the risk of bowel cancer, and lowering blood pressure.


Fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids and dry protein. Potential health benefits of eating oily fish include preventing cardiovascular disease, lowering the individual’s risk of rheumatoid arthritis, stimulating young children’s sensory experiences, cognitive and motor development, improving memory, protecting vision, and preventing skin and oral cancer.

Olive oil

People who regularly consume olive oil have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, stroke, and hyperlipidemia. What’s more, adding olive oil to the diet can help treat inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, thrombosis, and carbohydrate metabolism.


Onions come in a variety of sizes, shapes, colors, and even flavors. The most common types are red, yellow and white onions. The flavor can range from sweet and juicy to tangy, spicy and hilly, depending on the growing and harvesting season of the onion. Experts estimate that approximately 105 billion pounds of onions are harvested worldwide every year. Potential health benefits of onions include lowering the risk of certain types of cancer, improving mood, and maintaining healthy skin and hair.


Oranges contain over 170 different phytochemicals and over 60 flavonoids, many of which have anti-inflammatory properties and strong antioxidant effects. Oranges also contain thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, and copper. Due to their high vitamin C content, oranges are credited with stimulating the functionality of the immune system.


Oregano is a great source of vitamin K and dietary antioxidants. Studies have found that oregano has anti-microbial activity, anti-inflammatory properties, and its components may help slow down or even progression of the disease among breast cancer patients.


Papaya grows in tropical climates; its potential benefits include lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, improving digestion and glucose control in diabetic patients, lowering blood pressure, and improving wound healing.


Peaches originate from ancient China and belong to the stone fruit family that has only one large stone; this family also includes cherries, apricots, plums and nectarines. One medium peach contains 2% of the strain of vitamin E and vitamin K, niacin, folate, iron, choline, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, and iron. Other benefits of peaches include preventing the development of diseases associated with obesity, such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases.


Peppermint has traditionally been used as a folk remedy for certain medical conditions because of its soothing effects. Potential benefits of peppermint include treating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, irritated skin, and preventing headaches and related symptoms.

A pineapple

Pineapple is a source of essential vitamins and minerals for the body such as thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, manganese, potassium, antioxidants and polyphenols including beta-carotene. Fresh pineapples are the only source of the enzyme bromelain, which is being studied in clinical trials to determine its effectiveness in relieving joint pain, arthritis pain, reducing inflammation, inhibiting cancer growth and shortening recovery time after plastic surgery.


Potatoes belong to the same family as tomatoes with eggplants, it is worth noting that some members of this family are indeed poisonous. Potatoes have become one of the most versatile and inexpensive foodstuffs today, easy to grow and available all year round. Benefits of potatoes include maintaining bone structure, heart health, reducing chronic inflammation, and preventing constipation.


While pumpkin is high in nutrients, minerals and vitamins, it is low in calories, and there are many options for adding pumpkin to your daily diet, including desserts, soups, salads and even butter substitutes. Potential benefits of pumpkin include supporting heart, vision, reproductive health, and the immune system.

White and red quinoa

In nutrition, quinoa is considered a whole grain crop. Eating two to three servings of whole grains a day can help lower your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, bowel cancer, and obesity. Research has shown that increasing consumption of whole grains is proportional to a decrease in five major lifestyle-related diseases.


Rosemary is recognized as a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory diseases. Studies have shown that rosmerin has the potential to help treat indigestion, improve memory and concentration, and provide neurological protection against macular degeneration.


Sago is rich in the antioxidants apigenin, diosmetin, luteolin, and important nutrients such as vitamin K. Research has shown that sago has the potential to improve memory and information processing in Alzheimer’s patients and lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.


Spinach is one of the best sources of dietary magnesium and calcium. Its potential benefits include helping to manage diabetes, preventing cancer, lowering the risk of asthma, lowering the risk of developing hypertension, and improving bone health.


Strawberries are rightfully one of the most popular refreshing and healthy berries, which are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that have a positive effect on human health. Potential health benefits of strawberries include lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, hypertension, constipation, allergies, diabetes, and even depression.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are rich in nutrients and contain over 400% of the daily value for vitamin A, as well as an impressive amount of fiber and potassium. Its potential beneficial properties include a protective role against the development of prostate cancer, stimulating reproductive properties and the immune system, and improving vision.


Tofu made with soy is gluten and cholesterol free, low in calories, and is an excellent source of protein, iron and calcium. Soy isoflavones have been linked to a lower risk of osteoporosis, while the calcium and magnesium in soy can help reduce premenstrual symptoms, regulate blood sugar, and prevent migraine pain.


It has been previously proven that tomatoes can provide not only essential nutrients, but also help prevent the development of chronic diseases, thanks to beneficial phytochemicals such as lycopene. Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A and folate and contain many beneficial nutrients and antioxidants, including alpha lipoic acid, lycopene, choline, folate, beta carotene, and lutein.


Watermelons contain thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, selenium, choline, lycopene, and betaine. Potential benefits of watermelon include preventing asthma, lowering high blood pressure, regulating food digestion, and promoting healthy skin and hair.

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