Chickpea health benefits and harms

Chickpeas or mutton peas are other names for chickpeas. It was eaten as early as the 1st century BC. The remains of this pea were found in the Middle East. Now this product has gained great popularity among adherents of a healthy diet. Chickpeas have an oily texture and a slight nutty flavor.

Since ancient times, it was believed that a person who consumes chickpeas on a regular basis has beautiful skin, good digestion and immunity. For us, chickpeas are considered traditional Turkish peas. Hummus is a traditional Turkish dish. In fact, this is mashed peas, with the addition of all kinds of seasonings, sesame paste, lemon and other ingredients.

This plant is practically not adapted to growth in our country. It is thermophilic and does not tolerate severe frosts. Therefore, it is widely distributed in warm countries, in Asia, Turkey, India.

Chickpeas contain a lot of antioxidants and fiber, there are unique substances such as kaempferol , flavonoids and myricetin . There are many phenolic acids and vitamins in chickpeas.

Manganese in chickpeas is almost over the top, in a good sense of the word. This is as much as 94% manganese, which is very beneficial for the body of women. It is also necessary for men and is involved in the metabolic process.

By eating chickpeas, you can replenish 71% of the daily dose of folic acid, which is required by the human body per day. This vitamin is necessary not only for the development of a child in the womb, but it is also involved in DNA synthesis, stimulates the growth of brain cells and reduces the risk of cancer.

The calorie content of peas is 164 units in boiled form. In dry form, the calorie content of the product goes off scale – this is as much as 364 units.

Benefits of chickpeas, vitamins and minerals

Chickpea allows you to maintain healthy bones, makes them stronger. Thanks to collagen, zinc and vitamin K, the bones increase the absorption of calcium by the bones. With this product, diabetics can lower and control their glucose levels.

Peas have insoluble fiber, which contributes to the normalization of the gastric tract and reduces the risk of constipation. Fiber also helps lower cholesterol levels in the body.

Potassium, which is rich in chickpeas, helps lower blood pressure and supports the work of the heart muscle.

Chickpeas are beans that naturally contain selenium. And he, in turn, promotes the production of enzymes by the liver, removes carcinogens and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

The choline contained in the plant helps improve memory and relieves insomnia.

Benefits of chickpeas for women

Chickpeas are equally useful for men and women. During menstruation, peas reduce pain and saturate the body with iron. Vitamin E and unsaturated acids help to conceive a child and have a positive effect on hair growth and skin structure.

The benefits of chickpeas for men

Peas are a natural remedy that will increase potency. Chickpeas are very nutritious, so it will be useful for regular sports and heavy physical exertion.

To improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, chickpeas can be consumed only 2-3 times during the week. Peas help to cope with stress and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Chickpeas during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The main benefit of peas for pregnant women is vitamin B9, which helps the neural tube of the fetus to develop properly. It also reduces the risk that a baby with too little weight will be born.

Chickpeas contribute to the production of breast milk, therefore it is recommended for consumption during lactation. But do not forget that the product has a lot of protein, so you should not get carried away with eating a large amount of peas.

Can chickpeas be for children

Peas can be introduced into the baby’s diet only from 1.5-2 years. Indeed, it is extremely useful for the child’s body, but a stomach that is not yet strong may not withstand such a load. You can feed your baby with minimal doses, starting with just one teaspoon.

Is chickpea good for weight loss

Chickpeas are an environmentally friendly product. Peas are not able to accumulate harmful substances and toxins. And this is the first plus in favor of the use of peas in the diet. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach and promotes the discharge of bile.

Peas are very useful in a vegetarian diet. In order not to get the opposite effect, it is permissible to eat no more than 100 g of chickpeas per day. With dietary nutrition, this dose is recommended to be divided into several doses, for example, 30 g 3 times a day. Peas quickly saturate and for a long time does not give a feeling of hunger.

Chickpeas for diabetes

Despite the rather high amount of carbohydrates in chickpeas, they are useful for type 2 diabetes. Indeed, in addition to carbohydrates, it contains a lot of proteins and vitamins that are quickly absorbed and improve the general condition of the body.

The glycemic index of peas is 28 units, and this is a rather low indicator that allows you to use it for diabetes. Chickpeas will not allow you to gain extra pounds and will not cause a sharp jump in blood glucose.

How to take chickpeas for medicinal purposes

In folk medicine, there are many recipes using chickpeas. Water after cooking peas is used to treat acne and seborrhea. This liquid prevents hair loss and will be useful in the presence of periodontal disease.

With regular use, chickpeas are an effective preventive measure against the development of cataracts.

In the presence of bronchitis, it is recommended to use a special soup (stew). A glass of chopped peas is boiled in 2 liters of water. Then oil is added in a small amount and consumed throughout the day in equal parts. It is permissible to add celery and almonds to the soup, it will be much tastier and you can even get rid of stones in the bladder.

Chickpeas harm and contraindications

Despite the enormous benefits of chickpeas for the human body, in some cases it will be necessary to abandon its use. First of all, the individual intolerance to peas can become the reason for refusing to use the product. Although allergic reactions to this product are extremely rare.

You should be prepared that chickpeas can cause bloating and increased gas formation. This is especially true for people who are overly fond of these peas, as well as other legumes. For this reason, older people are advised to consume these peas with great care. Although you can get rid of this property of peas, if before cooking, soak the peas in cold water with a teaspoon of baking soda. It is advisable to soak the peas for at least 10 hours.

Chickpeas are not particularly useful for individuals who have been diagnosed with kidney disease. It is unacceptable to use peas in the presence of gout, during an exacerbation of diseases of the intestines and stomach, with thrombophlebitis.

Chickpeas contribute to the increase in uric acid, as they are inherently a “heavy” food.

How to use chickpeas

It is best to eat chickpeas in the afternoon. In the evening, pea dishes will adversely affect the digestive tract. Chickpeas may not even have time to digest before sleep.

How to choose and store

To purchase a quality product, you should carefully examine the peas of the plant. They should be smooth, with a uniform color, not wrinkled and not dry. Therefore, you should not buy chickpeas in a darkened package that will not allow you to see it.

It is necessary to store peas in hermetically sealed packaging, preferably in glass containers, it is possible in bags. You can not store it near products that have a pungent odor, especially if the peas are stored in a cloth bag.

Chickpeas are a healthy legume that will improve health and quickly saturate the body. But most importantly, never forget about the recommended dose for use, so that side effects do not appear.

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