Thrombocytosis is a dangerous disease that occurs due to an increase in the content of special cells and platelets in the blood. As a result of the increase in platelet count, the risk of blood clots increases, which impedes blood flow and oxygen supply to the body. Thrombocytosis in children , as well as in adults, can lead to complete blockage of blood vessels, which can cause serious impairment of the functionality of all systems and organs.
The reasons for the occurrence. Diagnostic Methods
Thrombocytosis most commonly affects the adult population. But in recent years, there has been a strong trend towards an increase in cases of the disease in young people and children. Moreover, children’s thrombocytosis, as well as in adults, can be primary and symptomatic.
The number of platelets in the blood can increase dramatically due to a violation of the hematological function that the red bone marrow stem cells, megakaryocytes, perform. This becomes the main cause of primary thrombocytosis in children . Hereditary hematological diseases, such as myeloid leukemia, thrombocythemia, erythremia, also become causes of the disease.
Symptomatic (secondary) thrombocytosis develops as a result of surgery, infectious and inflammatory diseases, injuries, hematological disorders, with the formation of malignant tumors, due to the use of certain medications.
The disease does not have specific symptoms. Signs of the disease are only general weakness and headaches, which can equally be correlated with many other, less dangerous ailments. In this regard, primary thrombocytosis in children is diagnosed, as a rule, by accident, with standard blood tests.
If an increased platelet content in the blood is detected, special diagnostic measures are necessary. Such studies include:
– a blood test that determines the number of platelets (performed three times, with a break of several days);
– general urine analysis;
– study of the amount of C-reactive protein in the blood;
– analysis of blood serum for iron and ferritin levels;
– A comprehensive ultrasound examination of all internal organs.
If, as a result of the diagnosis, it is established that the platelet level is slightly increased, these indications can be reduced without the use of drug therapy, using a special diet and adjusted nutrition. Children with thrombocytosis should receive only products recommended to combat this disease. Everything that can aggravate the course of the disease should be excluded from the menu of the child.
Diet for thrombocytosis
In the diet you need to include daily products that contribute to blood thinning. These are fish oil, vegetable oils (linseed or olive), sour berries, apple cider vinegar, onions. Garlic is especially useful for thrombocytosis in children . As practice shows, it is able not only to make blood fluid, but also helps the resorption of existing blood clots.
A therapeutic diet with an increased platelet content in the blood involves the use of magnesium-containing products. The body needs magnesium because it prevents the risk of blood clots.
Of great importance in the treatment of a disease such as thrombocytosis in children is also the drinking regimen, since blood is 90% of water. If the patient’s body receives an insufficient amount of fluid, dehydration occurs. As a result, blood vessels narrow, blood clots even more, and the baby’s condition worsens.
It is necessary to strictly monitor the amount of fluid consumed. Moreover, it is not necessary to give the child only water to drink – it is recommended to include green tea, fruit, vegetable, berry (with sour taste) juices in the diet.
Prohibited for thrombocytosis in children products include everything that can contribute to blood clotting. These are bananas, pomegranate, mango, chokeberry, rose hip, walnuts, lentils.
Blood viscosity can also increase some medications. Therefore, if there is a need for medical treatment of any side disease, the intake of any pharmacological drugs should be discussed with a hematologist.
If the platelet level in the child’s blood exceeds the permissible norm several times, treatment with herbs and diet is insufficient. In this case, the doctor prescribes special medications to patients that reduce the risk of blood clots and reduce blood clotting.