The importance of soups in nutrition is difficult to overestimate. Soups are one of the few dishes that include almost all the necessary ingredients-animal protein, vegetable fiber, fats, and so on. That’s only carbohydrates in soups, if there are, then not enough. Soups are especially useful in the diet in winter, since at this time of year fresh vegetables are not available to everyone. And the soup, at a minimum, contains potatoes, carrots and onions. Soups are also advantageous because they require little time and relatively little money to prepare. Regular inclusion of soups in the diet during the winter months will enrich the body with many useful substances.
The importance of soups in nutrition has also become the basis of special diets that involve eating mainly soups. I must say that in relation to the diet menu, soups are just the perfect dish. The fact is that almost any soup can be made lean, that is, reduce its caloric content to a minimum. Thus, soups in the framework of dietary nutrition can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities. A portion of diet soup, almost lean, includes only no more than thirty calories. But all vitamins, minerals and trace elements are formed when ingested. the body receives special enzymes that burn the resulting calories. In addition, the process of removing toxins and toxins, as well as metabolic processes, is normalized. When eating low-fat soups, it is assumed that the body does not get fat, and onions and other vegetables, on the contrary, decompose fat. It should also be noted that the body spends more energy digesting green vegetables than it receives from them. The only rule for dietary soups is to ban the use of beans, peas, lentils, and other beans in soups.
Vitamin vegetable soup:
— half a cabbage fork;
— four large carrots;
— four large onions;
— two sweet peppers;
— celery;
— green onions;
— half a kilo of green string beans;
— three tomatoes, peeled;
— a glass of tomato juice;
— 1 pack of ready-made soup dressing;
— fresh herbs and spices.
Vegetables should be washed and chopped into cubes. Then put them in a saucepan with a large capacity, pour water on top so that the water covers the vegetables completely. Bring the broth to a boil and let it cook for ten minutes. After that, cook over low heat until the vegetables are ready. Spices are added to taste.
Special diet on soups
The first day
You can eat soup and any fresh fruit, with the exception of bananas. You can drink mineral water without gas, unsweetened tea and coffee.
Second day
We eat diet soup and vegetables in any form – frozen, fresh or canned. It is forbidden to eat any legumes and corn. You can’t eat fruit, and you can only drink non-carbonated mineral water.
Third day
You can eat a diet soup, fresh vegetables and fruits, except potatoes, bananas and beans. You can only drink water. During these three days, if you follow a diet, you can lose about three kilograms.
Fourth day
It is allowed to eat soup, fresh vegetables and fruits, bananas can be eaten a maximum of three pieces. You can drink milk and non-carbonated mineral water.
Fifth day
Allowed-diet soup, boiled lean beef-no more than 500 grams. Tomatoes can be eaten fresh or in the form of canned food. You can only drink water, and as much as possible.
Sixth day
The diet is similar to the previous day. It is forbidden to eat potatoes.
Seventh day
It is allowed to eat long-grain rice, natural fruit juices without sugar and all the same soup. It is allowed to add spices and seasonings to the soup to taste.