Nutrition after childbirth

During and after childbirth, a woman, as a rule, loses about 4 to 6 kg in weight. But this loss is not enough to gain the figure that the woman had before pregnancy. While carrying a child, a woman gains a large amount of fat, which is no longer needed after childbirth.

All changes in weight up or down are due to the balance of hormones, diet and lifestyle. A woman should not worry if during pregnancy she went beyond her usual weight. If you follow your diet and lifestyle during pregnancy and after childbirth, then after childbirth, after some time, you can easily part with excess weight.

After the birth of a child, a woman is forbidden to diet or restrict herself in food. In particular, this applies to those women who are breastfeeding. In this situation, the presence of breast milk has a direct relationship with the foods you eat. When breastfeeding, you must wait about 2 months until the body is fully restored.

The nutrition of a mother feeding a baby should be balanced and complete.

Daily diet:

– milk and dairy products: not less than ½ liter;

– curd products: 100 g;

– meat: 200 g;

– fresh vegetables: 800 g;

– eggs, butter: 50 g;

– fresh fruit: 500 g;

– bakery products: 500 g;

– vegetable oil: 30 g.

Vitamins and supplements that you drank before giving birth should continue to be taken after them. A woman after childbirth should drink at least 3 liters of water per day.

Foods that are likely to cause allergies in a child should not be eaten: honey, citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate, canned food, smoked sausage. Under the complete ban alcohol.

If you notice that the weight not only does not go away, but is also gaining, then you should exclude high-calorie foods from your diet: sour cream, mayonnaise, fatty meat, nuts, sweets, sugar, flour.

A balanced diet during the period of bearing a child allows the fetus to develop and grow normally, and, in addition, prepares the body of the expectant mother for breastfeeding.

Every day, a pregnant woman and a woman who has already given birth to a child should eat about 150 g of protein, 100 g of fat, 500 g of carbohydrates. It is also important that the food contains enough minerals and vitamins. The optimal amount of fluid that every woman who has given birth should consume is approximately 2-3 liters of water per day. The sufficient content of water in the body of a woman who has given birth and is breastfeeding is evidenced by regular and normal urination. It must be remembered that drinking a large amount of milk, as well as fermented milk products, can cause a small child to be too sensitive to lactose – milk sugar.

For a nursing mother, it is very important to remember the combination of traditional food with fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and herbs, vegetable and fruit juices. And another important factor affecting the health of a woman and related to her diet is the regular consumption of these foods.

A balanced healthy diet must certainly be combined with a measured daily routine. Only in this case, the diet and daily routine will effectively complement each other and provide the woman with excellent health and health after childbirth. And, besides this, also the health of her baby. A breastfeeding mother needs comfort and convenience. A woman’s night sleep after childbirth should last at least 9 hours, daytime sleep – about an hour and a half. To this are added regular walks in the air, physical activity is excluded.

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