Many overweight people, or just wanting to slightly adjust the figure, have high hopes for numerous diets. Discussing the pros and cons of all kinds of diets is not worth it now, since there are a huge number of such nutritional schemes. However, many nutritionists agree that the longer and more delicate the diet, the longer it allows you to lose weight.
A long-term diet is considered as one of the most effective ways to correct weight. A long diet helps to lose up to ten kilograms in two months. The daily calorie intake for a long-term diet should not exceed one thousand six hundred calories.
The basic rule of a long-term diet is that all foods and drinks allowed by the diet must always be fresh. Separate rules exist for drinks. You can and should drink as much as you want. Water should not be mineral and carbonated. A long-term diet categorically excludes alcohol. The basis of a long-term diet is a specific regimen for drinking water and fruits.
Approximate weekly menu of a long diet
Week 1
Monday – only clean drinking water is allowed, such a peculiar fasting day. The rest of the days you can take ordinary food in the usual way, of course, within the boundaries of the rational.
2 week
On Monday, you can drink only water. On Tuesday, you need to drink water and eat at least two kilograms of citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines or grapefruits) in one day. The rest of the days you can take the usual usual food.
3 week
On Monday and Tuesday, you should eat like the previous two weeks.
On Wednesday, you can eat only sour apples. At least a day should eat two kilograms. The rest of the days you can stick to your usual diet.
4 week
Monday is water day.
Tuesday is the day only citrus fruits are allowed. Again, again, you need to eat two kilograms of citrus fruits.
Since last week on Wednesday sour apples were eaten, this week it is necessary to eat two kilograms of sweet apples. Apple and nothing else.
Thursday is the day of juice and water. As already mentioned, water can be drunk in unlimited quantities. Juices are allowed any freshly squeezed from fruits or vegetables, except for banana nectar. Canned juices are prohibited.
The rest of the days you can eat according to the usual pattern of eating.
5 week
Monday – drink only water.
Tuesday – as before, only two kilogram citrus fruits.
Wednesday – eat two kilograms of sour or sweet apples per day.
Thursday – water and any non-canned juices from vegetables or fruits, except banana.
Friday – only fully fat-free kefir is allowed to drink. Moreover, it is worth paying attention that it is forbidden to drink low-fat fermented baked milk or yogurt.
Saturday and Sunday are a feast for the stomach: you can eat the usual food. The only thing worth remembering is that you can’t eat too much fat and rich.
6 week
Monday-Thursday – the same diet as in the previous five weeks.
Saturday – you need to eat at least one kilogram of boiled pulp of zucchini or pineapple.
Sunday – you can eat whatever you want.
7 week
Completely repeats the previous week. The only rule is that only water is allowed on Sunday.
The disadvantages of such a long diet, of course, are. Firstly, adhering to its strict rules is necessary for a long time and is not always possible. In addition, such a long-term diet scheme is not suitable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or allergic to citrus fruits, since it is necessary to eat a sufficiently large number of fruits in raw form.