The German diet is regarded as one of the most effective in terms of losing extra pounds. The German diet allows you to lose up to twenty kilograms in two months. The German diet allows you to consume no more than 1600 Kcal per day. Along with this, the German diet is considered one of the longest diets.
The basic rule of the German diet is that all ingredients must be fresh. There are separate rules for drinks. You can and should drink as much as you want. The water should not be mineral or carbonated. The German diet categorically excludes alcoholic drinks. German diet menu by week.
First week
On Monday you can drink only water and nothing but water. You need to drink it at least five liters. The rest of the days you can take regular food as usual, naturally, not overdoing it .
Second week
On Mondays, only water is also allowed. On Tuesday, you need to drink water and eat at least two kilograms of citrus fruits (oranges or grapefruits) in one day. The rest of the days you can take your usual habitual food.
Third week
On Monday and Tuesday you should eat like two weeks before.
On Wednesday, you can only eat sour apples. At least two kilograms a day should be eaten. The rest of the days, you can stick to your usual diet.
Fourth week
Monday is water day.
Tuesday is a citrus day. Again, you still need to eat two kilograms of citrus fruits.
Since sour apples were eaten on Wednesday last week, this week you need to eat two kilograms of sweet apples. Apples and nothing else.
Thursday is the day of juice and water. As already mentioned, water can be drunk in unlimited quantities. Any juices freshly squeezed from fruits or vegetables are allowed, except for banana nectar. Canned juices are prohibited.
The rest of the days you can eat according to your usual meal plan.
Fifth week
Monday – drink only water.
Tuesday – as before, only two kilograms of citrus fruits.
Wednesday – eat two kilograms of sour or sweet apples per day.
Thursday – Water and any non-canned vegetable or fruit juices, except banana.
Friday – only completely fat-free kefir is allowed. Moreover, it is worth noting that it is forbidden to drink low-fat fermented baked milk or yogurt.
Saturday and Sunday are a holiday for the stomach: you can eat your usual food. The only thing worth remembering is that you cannot eat too much fat and butter.
Sixth week
Monday-Thursday – Same meal plan as in the previous five weeks.
Saturday – you must eat at least one kilogram of boiled zucchini or pineapple pulp.
Sunday – you can eat whatever you want.
Seventh week
Completely copies the previous week. The only thing is that on Sunday you can only drink water.
The disadvantage of the German diet is that it is quite long. For example, it is impossible to stick to the German diet while on vacation. Of course, the German diet is quite strict. In this regard, it is worth asking her doctor’s recommendations before her. The complete elimination of alcohol from the diet brings a lot of inconvenience. Since the diet is long, it is quite difficult for some to completely abandon all alcohol for such a long period. I must say that it is this moment that makes people “break” from the diet.