Insulin resistance carries many risks, from developing type 2 diabetes to death from blood clots in the blood vessels. Insulin takes an active part in all metabolic processes in the body. If insulin resistance appears, then all processes go wrong, up to DNA synthesis. Diet can help in this case.
What is insulin resistance
The essence of insulin resistance is that the cells of the body do not respond well to the effects of insulin. Even with a slight decrease in weight, this problem begins to disappear. For any endocrine disorder, the big one must carefully monitor his weight. This is due to the fact that the cells of fatty deposits are not able to respond to insulin, and therefore metabolism is disturbed.
With insulin resistance, you should remove foods high in GI from the diet in order to establish the process responsible for the processing of glucose. If the diet is not changed in time, the risk of developing diabetes increases several times.
Insulin resistance symptoms
Understanding that there are problems with insulin resistance is not that difficult. There are several characteristic features:
- women have a characteristic “pillow” around the waist;
- in men, a belly is formed in the form of a ball;
- there is a rapid weight gain, regardless of diet and physical activity;
- weight gain is also due to swelling, which occurs against the background of an increased amount of insulin;
- it is difficult for a person to get enough until he eats starchy and sweet foods;
- acanthosis black on the skin, associated with active cell division of the epidermis, which provokes insulin;
- high blood pressure, which appears against the background of the retention of sodium insulin in the body;
- difficulties with concentration and memory, a person seems to have everything in a fog.
If you find at least 2 signs in yourself, then you should immediately consult a doctor, since most likely you have insulin resistance.
The presence of resistance can be indicated by poor tests for the amount of cholesterol, as well as an increased amount of protein in urine tests.
The main cause of resistance is malnutrition. The more sugar enters the body with food, the more glucose in the blood. In second place is the problem with sleep, both lack of it and poor quality. But dealing with it is quite simple, sleep more. It is noticed that if a person continues to sleep little, then he compensates for this with sweets. On average, a person who does not get enough sleep absorbs 300-600 more calories per day.
The third common cause is chronic stress. In fact, when a stressful situation occurs, the body mobilizes all forces, and to maintain them requires energy, which is most easily obtained from fast carbohydrates and sweets. If the stress is single, then no problems arise, if it is constant, then the person begins to recover, due to the constant absorption of sweets.
How insulin resistance and excess weight are related
Insulin allows the human body to survive hunger. He actually plays the role of energy storage for the period when food is in short supply.
Initially, from the obtained products, energy is used to ensure the vital activity of the body, if there is a surplus of energy, then it goes into the reserve, thanks to insulin. Energy is stored in the muscles and liver in the form of a special type of sugar – glycogen. If there is nowhere to store energy, then insulin begins to convert it into fat. Hence the increase in body weight.
Why high sugar and high insulin doom us to excess weight
Lack of exercise leads to obesity. These are not empty words. Indeed, when energy is in excess, insulin begins to convert it into fat. The body can store energy in the form of fat in almost unlimited quantities. It accumulates everywhere, in the abdominal cavity, under the skin, in the liver, around all organs. Accordingly, over time, the work of all organs is disrupted when a person’s weight approaches a critical mark.
In this state, any food begins to turn into fat, since there is no response from insulin. That is, the body understands that the body does not need additional energy.
The glycemic index of foods and their calculation
In addition to nutritional value, the choice of foods should be based on the glycemic index. This indicator shows how much the blood glucose level will rise after consuming a particular product.
The assessment of foods by GI ranges from 0 to 100. But, there are also foods that exceed 100 units in terms of glucose.
The method of food processing does not have a significant effect on the GI level. Although there are some products that are an exception. For example – carrots. Fresh it can be consumed, its index is 35 units, but after it is boiled, the GI rises to almost 100 units.
Allowed Products
In the presence of insulin resistance , a fairly wide range of products are allowed. You can eat mushrooms, cabbage, eggs, cheese, herbs, beans, especially green beans and asparagus. There are no restrictions regarding yoghurts (naturally natural) and eggs, vegetables, nuts, olives. You can even tea and coffee, but without sugar.
Allowed to be consumed in limited quantities: nectarine, pears, red currants, avocado, blueberries, raspberries, lemon, cranberries, coconut, quince. Grapes fall under a complete ban.
Almost all fruits can be made from vegetables. Allowed to eat liver, pasta, but from durum wheat. There is no ban on cereals, cocoa and compote.
In general, the following rule should be adhered to, the less carbohydrates, the better.
Fully or partially limited products
Any products made from white flour and lavash are completely banned. Rice, pearl barley, millet and barley porridge are prohibited from cereals. No sugar, even cane sugar, should be present in the diet, as well as starch.
It is forbidden to eat in fast food , to eat cakes, honey, sweets and jams. From fruits, grapes, bananas, cherries and any canned fruits and berries are prohibited. Sweet wines, nectars and fresh juices are not allowed . You will also have to give up condensed milk.
Diet menu for insulin resistance . Diet
To lose weight and improve insulin resistance, it is recommended to eat 5-6 times throughout the day, avoiding hunger, but at the same time not overeating.