The good news was reported by British researchers – type 2 diabetes can be completely cured.
This disease tends to develop and, one way or another, leads to such consequences as damage to the cardiovascular system, kidneys, even leading to the removal of the lower extremities.
Ten people with type 2 diabetes were recruited to participate in the study. For two months, all participants were required to eat a restricted calorie diet. They were allowed to eat liquid formulas specially developed by the researchers and some vegetables.
After a week of the experiment, the morning taking of blood glucose readings confirmed that absolutely all participants had blood sugar within the normal range.
Magnetic resonance imaging of the pancreas showed that the obesity of this internal organ was reduced by two percent.
After the end of the experiment, observation of all volunteers showed that six out of ten participants continued to have normal blood sugar levels.
Scientists note the fact that they were able to prove that only a change in the image, in particular in eating habits, can completely get rid of such a serious disease as type 2 diabetes.