Voluntary blood donation today does not pose any danger to the donor. This role can be played by any healthy person between the ages of 18 and 60. It is impossible to replace human blood with anything, that is why the title “donor” is so honorable.
However, there are many limitations to such a noble cause. Women can do this no more than 4 times throughout the year, and men no more than 3 times. In addition, there are many other indications that will have to be followed in order to help someone survive.
Is it okay to eat before donating blood
Before going to the hospital, you should definitely have a snack. It is unacceptable to donate blood when you are hungry, as this process requires a huge amount of strength and energy. However, the food should be as light as possible.
It is forbidden to use protein and fatty foods, it interferes with blood division. And after fat, the blood serum takes on a cloudy appearance, this condition in medical circles is called ” chilez “. Such blood is almost completely unsuitable for transfusion, even for testing.
In no case is it allowed to eat nuts and bananas before donation . Alcohol is also strictly prohibited and should be discarded for as much as 48 hours before going to a blood bank. All medications, including analgesics and aspirin, must be stopped before 72 hours. Medicines contribute to the deterioration of blood clotting. No need to smoke 1 hour before the procedure.
Give up the idea if you didn’t get enough sleep before, worked the whole day or night. You cannot come to the donor center if you feel even a slight discomfort.
If you donate for the first time , then it is best to do this before 12 days. After that, only people who have already donated blood are allowed.
What to eat for breakfast before donation
In the morning, after waking up, be sure to have a snack. The menu can be as follows:
- any porridge, but always on the water;
- dried biscuits;
- tea or coffee with sugar.
Boiled vegetables can be used, but nothing fried.
The procedure after a meal must be attended no later than 2 hours. Before that, you can not drink coffee or tea, it is better to give preference to juice.
What can you eat before donating blood to a donor
A few days before donation , the donor needs to eat well and include the following foods in the diet:
- potatoes;
- fruits;
- vegetables;
- cottage cheese;
- pasta, but cooked in water;
- boiled meat;
- porridge, but cooked in water.
You can eat drying, crackers, stale bread.
Remember that regardless of whether a person donates blood components or whole blood, the rules of nutrition do not change from this.
What you can’t eat before donating blood to a donor
The main rule before the procedure is a complete rejection of alcoholic beverages and fatty, fried foods. You can not eat not only meat and fats, but also sausages, fish. Also subject to the ban are:
- eggs;
- vegetable oil;
- chocolate;
- broths;
- sour cream;
- butter;
- canned foods;
- avocado;
- bananas;
- mushrooms;
- fresh baked goods;
- cream;
- cabbage;
- margarine;
- beet;
- fermented dishes;
- rich first courses;
- citrus;
- dates;
- nuts.
No spicy food, all kinds of sauces, ketchups and seasonings, garlic, onions. In no case should you go to fast food and drink carbonated drinks.
It is not even worth trying exotic, previously unused dishes and food products even a few days before donation . This is too much of a risk that an allergic reaction will occur.
It is also recommended to eat in small portions, do not overeat.
Nutrition after the procedure
After donation, you need to sit for literally 10-15 minutes. After that, you can go to the buffet and drink sweet tea. If dizziness cannot be avoided, then you should immediately contact the medical staff. Usually a person is laid on a couch, his legs are raised above his head. Until the dizziness has disappeared, you cannot leave, much less drive.
You must not smoke for 2 hours after donating blood. On this day, physical activity, including carrying heavy bags, should be avoided.
Within 2 days after donation , the donor needs good nutrition. Drink at least 2 liters of water, including juices, weak tea. It is better to refuse to use alcoholic beverages at this time.
With a one-time blood sampling, about 450 ml is consumed. It takes 4 weeks to replenish such reserves in the body. For this reason, throughout the month, food should be as satisfying and complete as possible. It is recommended to increase the calorie content, but not due to fast carbohydrates, but due to healthy food, vegetables, meat.
It is better to eat fractionally, in small portions 7 times throughout the day.
After the procedure, it is recommended to include the following foods in the diet:
- lean meat;
- fish;
- beans;
- dairy products;
- seafood;
- buckwheat;
- parsley;
- lentils;
- grenades;
- nuts;
- peas;
- soy;
- dried fruits;
- apples;
- spinach.
That is, the diet should be based on protein foods and those that contain a lot of iron.
You will still have to stop eating trans fats , fried and fatty foods. It is best to boil or steam all meals. Sometimes you can stew.
The drinks
Both before and after donating blood, the donor is advised to drink natural fruit drinks and juices. Cook yourself some compotes and drink unsweetened and weak tea. It will be useful to drink still water.
Mineral water is possible, but it is better to choose a table water.
What diet should be followed with constant blood donation
If you feel that helping people is for you and you are ready to become a donor on a permanent basis, then you will have to change your lifestyle. Minimize alcohol consumption and quit smoking (preferably).
The diet will also have to be completely revised. For people who donate on an ongoing basis, it is recommended to follow Pevzner’s diet table number 15.
This diet is complete in its physiological composition. It allows for a varied diet. The main thing is no hard-melting fats, spicy and fried foods (although occasionally allowed, but not desirable).
Otherwise, there are practically no restrictions. Diet number 15 is as close as possible to the usual diet. The calorie content of the diet is 2800 units. You need to eat at least 100 g of protein and fat per day. The share of carbohydrates is 400 g.
An example menu can be composed as follows:
- breakfast: boiled chicken and 2 soft-boiled eggs, sweet coffee with milk;
- second breakfast: some cheese and nuts, depending on personal preference;
- lunch: ear, buckwheat porridge;
- afternoon snack: fruit smoothies ;
- dinner: boiled potatoes, vegetable salad and some fish;
- before bed: baked apples and compote.
The quality of blood depends on nutrition, so individuals who decide to become donors on an ongoing basis should adhere to the recommended diet.
Can the donor drink alcohol?
The human body perceives alcohol as a poison. This applies even to low alcohol drinks. After alcohol enters the body, all processes are activated in order to maximize the removal of toxins from it.
When alcohol enters the bloodstream, it affects many processes:
- immobilizes erythrocytes;
- reduces hemoglobin levels;
- increases the amount of lactic acid;
- increases the amount of cholesterol and neutral fats;
- if the drink was with chemicals, dyes, then traces of it may even remain in the blood.
In fact, this list can be continued indefinitely. It is clear that such blood is not suitable for transfusion.
For this reason, stop drinking alcoholic beverages at least 2 days in advance so that all efforts are not in vain.
Smoking and blood donation
Smoking is also classified as a bad habit, therefore, at least 1-2 hours before donation , you must give up cigarettes. The same rule should be followed after the procedure.
The fact is that nicotine reduces the functional activity of platelets. It turns out that the transfused blood will not give the effect that is required due to the low activity of platelets. Often, blood is discarded from smokers due to clumping of platelets.
Take care of yourself, not only for the sake of donation , but also for your own health. This is the only thing that cannot be bought for any money. But if health permits and there is a desire, then donate blood. Such a good deed allows you to save someone’s life, perhaps a very young child.