There are many reasons for removing the gallbladder. To date, in medical practice, cholecystectomy is not an extraordinary procedure. Most often it is recommended in the presence of stones in the bladder, polyposis , cholesterosis and mechanical damage in this area, as a result of which the organ suffers.
Complications rarely occur after surgery. But the patient after surgery will have to follow the prescribed diet without fail, throughout his life. It allows you not to accumulate bile in the ducts.
Nutrition rules after removal of the gallbladder
The main rule in nutrition after cholecystectomy is to eat more often. This prevents the accumulation of bile in the bile ducts and, as a result, prevents the formation of stones.
You will have to eat at least 5 times throughout the day. It is best to have each meal at the same time. The food must be thoroughly chewed, and the portions themselves must be small.
Foods that are too hot or too cold are not allowed, everything is served warm. The main enemy of the patient is fried foods. You will have to avoid any foods that stimulate the production of bile and activate the digestive process.
It is necessary to observe the drinking regime and drink at least 1.5 liters per day.
In the first weeks after surgery, you should especially monitor your health. In no case is it allowed to lift weights, no more than 3 kg. You can not go in for sports, hard physical labor. You will even have to give up sexual intercourse for 3-4 weeks. You will have to carefully monitor the stool, it should be regular and always soft. And of course, you should follow a diet.
Non-compliance with diet, consequences
If you do not adhere to a proper diet and eat prohibited foods, then after a while, eating disorders will begin. The food will no longer be completely digested. For this reason, a heaviness in the stomach will be felt, the stool will change and even pain will appear.
Another and main danger is the appearance of stones in the bile ducts. And this is again a long treatment and possibly a new operation. Therefore, it is still important to follow the diet number 5. It has a number of positive aspects. In particular, it allows you to normalize all metabolic processes in the body. To comply with it, you need inexpensive products, with the possibility of selection according to the season. The diet allows you to get the required amount of vitamins and micro-macroelements. On the other hand, it is quite difficult to find permitted dishes in catering chains, sometimes it is difficult to have a snack on time. Restrictions can be difficult, but it’s worth it to feel normal. Therefore, everything should be treated philosophically and not worried.
Diet in the hospital
Immediately after the operation, for 5 hours everything is prohibited, even water. Although people usually do not notice any desire for food, they rest after the surgery.
After that, if the doctor permits, the use of water is allowed, always without gas. It is drunk in small sips and in small quantities. You can drink no more than 500 ml per day.
The next day, it is already allowed to switch to a normal drinking regime, but the requirements for water remain the same, it must be clean and without gas. If the patient wants to eat, then already 12 hours after the end of the operation, food is allowed . It must be liquid, for example, kefir or light soup, you can jelly.
After that, a diet table number 5 according to Pevzner is assigned. While the patient is in the hospital, he is allowed to consume mashed vegetables, boiled fish, brought to a mushy state from 3-4 days. Soups should also be served grated.
From the 5th day, the use of bread and cookies is already allowed, but uncomfortable and dried. And already from 6-7 days, they begin to introduce grated porridge, sour cream, chicken, naturally in a grated form. If loose stools appear, kefir is removed from the diet.
During the first week after surgery, food should be taken at least 8-10 times throughout the day. Portions by volume should not exceed 100 g. Only by the end of the week, the number of meals is reduced to 6-8 times, and the portions are accordingly increased by 2 times.
In the future, the doctor will issue nutritional recommendations upon discharge, depending on the patient’s condition.
Diet in the first week after discharge from the hospital
As a rule, after 7 days the patient is allowed to go home. The doctor gives instructions on nutrition. Usually this is a difficult period, the body needs to adapt to new conditions and rebuild the digestive tract. Hard limits are still hard to come by.
All food is boiled or steamed. There should be no exceptions in this case. Low-fat varieties of meat and fish are allowed, which must be brought to a mushy state. You can eat bread, but stale. The porridge should have a low-fat consistency. You should eat often, but in small portions. When new products are introduced, well-being is carefully monitored.
If at least some product has caused discomfort, then they refuse it, which means that the body is not yet able to accept it.
Diet one month after surgery
After 1-1.5 months, the secretion of bile is stabilized, and the diet is gradually brought to the form that was before the operation. That is, a person gradually adapts to a normal life.
Gradually, new products are introduced in small portions, be sure to monitor how the body reacts to them. The main thing is not to forget that you should follow the drinking regime and eat regularly.
Can I drink alcohol after gallbladder removal surgery?
After cholecystectomy, it is advisable to give up alcoholic beverages altogether. In any case, such a strict limitation should be valid 1-3 years after the operation. It is during this period that the body gets used to living without a gallbladder, the digestive tract is rebuilt.
Many people give up alcohol for life. This is due to the fact that after intoxicating drinks, many begin to have an upset stomach, vomiting.
But our society is so arranged that all holidays are accompanied by alcohol. Therefore, if the body perceives alcohol, then a little is possible, but in compliance with the following rules:
- no surrogate;
- it is best to refuse carbonated strong drinks;
- it is not recommended to use drinks with fusel oils and distilled ones, that is, it is better to abandon cognac, whiskey, tequila;
- in no case should you eat fatty and spicy dishes;
- with a hangover, mineral carbonated water, brine is prohibited.
Removal of the gallbladder is not a sentence, but you will constantly have to monitor your diet and health.
Features of cooking
All meals should be free of fat. We’ll have to forget about fried foods, it’s not even recommended to stew. The best way is to boil and steam. We can say that after the operation, a person simply switches to proper nutrition, since fried foods are not recommended even for healthy people.
List of approved products
After discharge, milk and vegetable fats are gradually introduced. They are useful because they help maximize the flow of bile. It is useful to use butter (no more than 30 g throughout the day), linseed.
You can eat dairy products, all kinds of cottage cheese dishes, you can add sour cream, but low-fat.
The use of soft- boiled eggs or in the form of an omelet is allowed . You can fish no more than 2 times a week, it is better to give preference to seafood. Boiled beef and chicken are suitable for meat.
You can eat first courses, but in no case cooked in strong meat broths, everything should be as light as possible.
Bread is suitable, but always dried, you can use bran.
Be sure to include cereals in the diet, you can barley, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice.
You can eat almost all vegetables, pumpkin and carrots will be especially useful. It is recommended to consume turmeric, bay leaves and herbs after surgery. Fruits can also be eaten, but not sour. It is very useful to eat melons and watermelons, they help to remove toxins and not stagnate bile.
Even some sweets are not prohibited. You can eat jam, honey, marmalade, jam and marshmallows. However, there should be very few of them in the diet. It is allowed to use prunes and dried apricots.
List of prohibited foods
Fatty foods are under a special ban. You can not eat offal and rich broths. Mushrooms and any spicy sauces and seasonings are prohibited. Spicy herbs are allowed, but in extremely limited quantities, best as a decoration for dishes.
Ice cream and any sweets, pastries, cakes are completely banned. It is prohibited:
- legumes;
- nuts;
- any cheeses;
- citrus;
- any smoked dishes;
- whole grain bread;
- fat;
- radish and radish;
- margarine;
- pickles;
- persimmon;
- onions and garlic, especially fresh, but you can add them after heat treatment to dishes, but in small quantities;
- animal fats;
- grapes;
- canned food.
In no case is fast food prohibited, cocoa and chocolate are prohibited. We’ll have to forget about kvass, carbonated drinks and alcohol.
After about 12 months, prohibited foods are gradually introduced. Although it all depends on the state of health. If at least some product provokes deterioration, then it must be discarded.
Diet menu after removal of the gallbladder. Diet
Despite the absence of a gallbladder, you can eat quite tasty, so you do not need to be very upset, with time almost everything will be possible.