Biotin or Vitamin B7 is a water-soluble vitamin that has no color. Another name is vitamin H, which means “skin”. And it’s not for nothing that the Germans call it that, because it really allows you to preserve the beauty of the skin and hair. For this reason, many cosmetologists in the world call it also the vitamin of beauty.
Why is biotin (vitamin B7) needed in the body?
Vitamin B 7 is involved in metabolic processes involving proteins and fats. It also helps regulate carbohydrate metabolism in the body. The vitamin has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
Biotin allows you to control glucose levels, which is very important in the presence of sugar disease. It is an effective preventive measure against the development of diseases of the heart and vascular system.
Vitamin B7 has many other functions in the body, namely:
- regulates sweating;
- prevents the appearance of dermatological problems, in particular, prevents the appearance of dandruff, acne, seborrhea;
- reduces pain in the muscles;
- supports the functioning of the immune system at the proper level;
- prevents the appearance of a feeling of fatigue;
- normalizes the thyroid gland;
- is directly involved in the production of collagen;
- participates in the process of blood clotting;
- stimulates appetite;
- removes harmful cholesterol from the body.
And of course, the vitamin is extremely useful for maintaining beauty. It strengthens the nail plate, hair and makes the skin even and smooth.
Distribution of vitamin B7 in the body
To date, scientists have not been able to fully study the effect of this substance. It is only known that it really participates in most of the processes occurring in the body. It is synthesized by the microflora of the human intestine, but on condition that it is completely healthy.
Biotin is perfectly combined with almost all vitamins of group B. However, absorption of the vitamin from the outside and synthesis in the intestine becomes more difficult if a person consumes a lot of fats that have undergone heat treatment. Such food inevitably leads to a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.
Almost instantly, the vitamin is destroyed by the action of sulphurous preservatives, these are substances labeled E221-E228.
Daily norm of biotin (vitamin B7) and indications for use
On average, an adult needs between 30 and 100 mcg of the vitamin, depending on the state of health.
The need for biotin in childhood:
- 5 mcg from birth to 6 months;
- 6 mcg for 7 to 12 months;
- 8 mcg from 1 to 3 years;
- 12 mcg from 4 to 8 years old;
- in adolescence, the need increases, from 9 to 13 years, 20 mcg is required, and from 14 to 18 – 25 mcg.
After 19 years, the minimum daily dose for a healthy person is 30 mcg. During the gestation of the baby, the mother needs from 50 mcg of vitamin per day.
When you need to take vitamin B7
The risk group for biotin deficiency includes diabetics, people on hemodialysis and parenteral nutrition. Also, the provoking factors of vitamin deficiency include diseases of the gastric tract. Antibacterial agents also do not allow the vitamin to be synthesized in sufficient quantities in the body. Regular consumption of raw chicken eggs also provokes a deficiency.
What does biotin (vitamin B7) deficiency lead to?
The lack of vitamin B7 occurs not only against the background of taking certain medications and with certain diseases, but also due to the fact that biotin does not accumulate in the body, therefore, when changing the diet, a deficiency may occur. Lack of vitamin A can cause the following health problems:
- severe toxicosis during pregnancy;
- death of normal intestinal microflora;
- pigmentation of the skin and deterioration of the general condition of the skin, hair, nails;
- drowsiness;
- the risk of dystrophy of the mucous membranes increases;
- depression;
- hallucinations.
In a healthy person, the risk of deficiency of this vitamin is reduced to zero.
The main signs of a lack of biotin (vitamin B7)
Biotin deficiency in the body primarily manifests itself in the form of skin rashes and mental health problems. In addition, a number of features can also be distinguished:
- baldness;
- a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and, as a consequence, an increase in the risk of developing anemia;
- deformation of the nails;
- increased blood sugar;
- weight loss;
- a constant depressive state, up to the appearance of attacks of neuroses and other mental disorders;
- loss of tongue sensitivity;
- periodic urge to vomit.
At the same time, this symptomatology can characterize other problems in the body, therefore, it is rather difficult to establish a vitamin deficiency on your own, without laboratory studies.
Excess vitamin B7 and health risks
Vitamin overdose is extremely rare. After all, biotin does not accumulate in the body, it dissolves in water, therefore it is quickly excreted naturally. In extreme cases, when a person abuses synthetic supplements, they may experience frequent urination, shortness of breath, and heavy sweating.
Symptoms are eliminated almost immediately after discontinuation of medications containing biotin.
There is also a myth that too much beauty vitamin can cause acne. Many athletes are sure of this, who use the vitamin as an additional source of nutrients. In fact, biotin is not capable of causing acne.
What foods contain biotin (vitamin B7)
It is possible to compensate for the lack of a vitamin not only through the use of special supplements, it can be replenished through the use of certain food products:
- Almonds. In addition to biotin, they contain vitamin E. Together they help to maintain a high level of external beauty.
- Carrot.
- Whole grain bread, which is also rich in fiber and minerals.
- A fish. These are, first of all, halibut, tuna, trout, sardines, salmon and herring.
- Dairy products, yoghurt, milk. Sour cream, which is ideal for combining with meat products.
- Spinach, in addition to biotin, contains almost all the B vitamins.
- Meat of beef, chicken, turkey, and the liver of these animals and birds.
- Boiled or fried eggs.
- Fruits and vegetables such as bananas, cauliflower, cucumbers, cranberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
- Soybeans, which contain as much as 6 micrograms of vitamin per 100 g of product.
- It is also recommended to consume sunflower seeds, which contain a large amount of this substance.
Is it possible to lose weight from biotin (vitamin B7)
It is impossible to directly achieve weight loss exclusively with the use of vitamin H. But in the process of losing weight, it is recommended to include it as a means to normalize carbohydrate metabolism. It does have mild fat burning properties, lowers blood sugar and promotes rapid protein absorption in the body.
Biotin (vitamin B7) during pregnancy
Doctors do not establish specific requirements for the use of biotin while carrying a baby for women. However, its ability to improve metabolism and aid in the assimilation of food must be considered during pregnancy. An increase in the dose of biotin will reduce the symptoms of toxicosis and stabilize the blood glucose level. It is for these reasons that it is recommended to increase the dose in preparation for childbirth from 50 mcg per day, depending on the state of health.
The beauty vitamin really plays a major role in maintaining healthy skin, nails and hair. And his participation in most of the processes occurring in the body gives the right to believe that a person needs to monitor his level. And in order to maintain the normal amount of this substance, you do not even need to use food additives, but simply adjust the diet by eliminating fatty, thermally processed foods from it.