It is believed that watermelon can well clean the kidneys and even help lose weight. Is this true, is it all useful to cleanse the body with watermelon?
In fact, the watermelon season is a great time to improve your health. Watermelon is just a super-dietary product. Watermelon diet is attractive because it has a minimum of contraindications. This diet is suitable for people of any age with a variety of diseases.
First of all, watermelon contains glucose and fructose – easily digestible sugar. It also has a lot of folic acid, pectins and fiber. Watermelon has the ability to remove alkaline urine from the body, so it is rightfully recognized as the best kidney cleanser.
What is a watermelon cleansing of the body . First, you need to undergo a kidney examination, as well as a doctor’s consultation. If you still decide on such a procedure, know that you need to eat a watermelon around the clock, even at night. It is at night that the concentration of urine increases – the main cause of stone formation in the kidneys.
Watermelon diet is recommended for five days, it is during this period that you can remove toxins, excess water and salt from the body. This diet is very simple, you need to eat only watermelon per day per 1 kg of pulp per 10 kg of body weight. It is very important to monitor the state of your body, if you feel deterioration, then you should temporarily stop it, because sometimes the negative body reacts to mono-nutrition.
Watermelon diet helps with liver diseases such as cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, gallstone disease. Watermelon is also useful in diseases such as atherosclerosis, arthritis, obesity, anemia, as well as diseases of the blood-forming organs, in the treatment of radiation sickness. Fasting fresh watermelon pulp will ease the condition of hypertensive patients and ulcers. Also, the flesh of a watermelon will help with a breakdown and insomnia.
Note that the effect will be significant, if they take the pulp of watermelon in a sufficiently large amount, 1-2 kg three times a day. This must be done an hour before meals, and to avoid stomach irritation, you need to start with small portions of 100 grams twice a day, also an hour before meals.
Watermelon kidney cleaning – the procedure is more complicated, but quite feasible even at home. For such cleaning, it is necessary to stock up on watermelons and brown bread. This is all that you will eat during the week. If you have stones in your kidneys or bladder, then the best time to remove them is considered to be 2-3 hours of the night. Just sit back in the bathroom and enjoy your watermelon. But on the eighth day at night, you need to take two no-shpa tablets, and lie in a hot bath, and eat watermelon again. The water in the bathroom should be hot. As a result, by the morning a strong urination should begin, pains are possible. Take more no-shp, move, stand on your toes, then go back to the bath. After three weeks, this procedure can be repeated. As practice shows, the result of such cleaning is palpable.
Why do I need a hot bath . Under the influence of hot water, the vessels expand and the work of the ureter improves. If there is sand or pebbles in the kidneys, they will move away less painfully.
But there are contraindications for such watermelon cleansing . First of all, this cleaning can not be used if there are diseases associated with the process of violation of the outflow of urine, it is also not possible with congenital disorders of the genitourinary system, prostate adenoma, after operations.
Since the diet contains brown bread, it is contraindicated in people with impaired gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer disease may aggravate them. Therefore, sometimes with such a diet, instead of brown bread, white bread is used.
Such a watermelon diet is prohibited if there are large stones in the kidneys. Under the influence of watermelon cleaning, they can move away, not completely dissolved, which can lead to severe pain. In some people, stiff dietary fiber can cause bloating, and people with diabetes should be advised to monitor their daily sugar intake.
Also, compliance with hygiene standards plays a significant role in such a diet . After choosing a watermelon and bringing it home, you need to wash it with hot water and soap. Such measures will help to avoid intestinal infection. If you suffer from urolithiasis, it is better not to drag a heavy watermelon on yourself, physical activity in such cases is dangerous.
It is not recommended to start watermelon cleaning immediately for the body , for a start you can make a trial watermelon fasting day. Try to eat 2 kg of watermelon during the day and nothing else. Do this at least once a week, the result will not be long in coming.
If the option of consuming watermelon pulp does not suit you, prepare juice from watermelon . It has virtually no dietary fiber, so there will be no complications from the gastrointestinal tract. Take watermelon juice before meals half a cup.
Watermelon seeds also have useful substances , they contain linolenic, linoleic, palmitic acid. They are used in the treatment of gallstone disease, cystitis. As an anthelmintic, it is in no way inferior to pumpkin seeds.
You can also make candied fruits from watermelon . To do this, remove the top green layer from the watermelon peels, cut them into slices, put in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Then lay in a colander and transfer to boiling sugar syrup. The calculation of proportions is such that for 1 kg of watermelon peels you need three and a half glasses of water and 1.2 kg of granulated sugar. The syrup must be brought to a boil, then removed from the heat. When it cools down, boil again, and so on until the watermelon peels become transparent. At the very end, you can add citric acid and vanillin. Candied candied fruits should be transferred to a jar and stored as jam.
After your diet is over, you need to include watermelons in the diet for a while, and the diet should be balanced, these are cereals, fish, cheeses, salads without greasy dressing. It will also allow you to reduce body weight.