Treatment with antibiotics, although it causes a lot of controversy, but in some cases it is one of the most effective and effective. Few people know that for the best effect of medicines of this group, it is necessary to follow certain rules of nutrition, otherwise, side effects can not be avoided.
First, let’s say that you can not drink antibiotics yourself, without a doctor’s appointment, because such drugs can only be prescribed in the case of a fungal or bacterial infection (learn more about bacterial infections how to treat them and buy antibiotics for treatment on the website, but they will not help against viruses. It is important to know about the effect of antibiotics that they affect both pathogenic and healthy and useful microflora. Unpleasant consequences of improper use of antibiotics can be redness, itching, stool disorders, severe allergic reaction, candidiasis.
Rules of nutrition in the treatment of antibiotics
If the disease could not be avoided, and you were prescribed antibiotics as therapy, then do not be lazy and find out all the nuances of taking drugs. It would seem that what can happen due to nutrition? In this case, a proper and balanced diet can work as a prevention of the negative effects of antibiotics on the body. It is also important to ask whether any individual products will have an impact on the effectiveness of the drug.
Most antibiotics begin to “treat” us when they enter the digestive tract, when they are absorbed into the blood and spread throughout the body. But there are some things that either worsen the absorption or slow down the passage of antibiotics through the vastness of our digestive system. Let’s figure it out together.
Very fatty foods, for example, with a high content of saturated fat, act in such a way that often the antibiotics taken are delayed in the stomach of a person. The problem is that after staying in the stomach for a while, the drugs change, and later, already in the intestines, they do not have the useful properties that we started taking them for.
It worsens the effect of antibiotics and excessive consumption of high-protein foods. The fact is that protein in large quantities overloads our liver and kidneys, and also binds together all the drugs that enter the body, which can not but affect the beneficial intestinal microflora. However, it is worth emphasizing that the lack of protein during the administration of antibiotics will also not benefit the body, so, as in everything, it is important to know the measure in protein.
Acidic plant foods also affect the effect of antibiotics. Some of the drugs only increase their effect, but others, under the influence of acid, disintegrate. In this regard, it is very important to carefully study the composition of antibiotics, either independently, or ask the doctor to explain everything to you.
From a cup of warm milk, cocoa, cottage cheese, kefir and other dairy products for the period of taking antibiotics, it is also better to refuse. The consequences of their combination can be a rash, itching, vomiting. Agree, not the most pleasant symptoms.
Doctors insist that the time of taking the drugs affects their effectiveness. It is recommended to take antibiotics an hour before a meal or three hours after a meal, provided that there are no other instructions in the instructions for the drug. It is also worth noting that antibiotics should be washed down with plain water, even water with gas is not desirable, not to mention tea or coffee. So do not be lazy and do not drink medicines with anything, it is better to pour yourself clean water.
We are sure that everyone knows this perfectly well, but we still remind you: in no case can you combine taking antibiotics with drinking alcohol.
So, the last thing that should be specified is how to reduce the harm from taking antibiotics.
It is enough just to follow some simple rules so that the drugs do not harm your health:
- Antibiotics as a method of treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, it is definitely impossible to buy antibiotics at your own discretion;
- The assigned course should be applied to the end. Even if you think that after a couple of days of taking antibiotics you are completely recovered, you can not stop taking drugs;
- While taking antibiotics, it would be nice to nourish the body with vitamins or antimycotic drugs, however, in order for them to be useful, it is mandatory to consult a doctor;
- If you are still prescribed a course of antibiotics, then be careful and do not use them in parallel with drugs that dilute the blood. This can be very dangerous for your health, as it can lead to hemorrhages.
- To ensure that everything is absorbed as it should be, for the time of taking antibiotics, give up milk and dairy products.
Forewarned means armed! Do not get sick, but if trouble has happened, you need to be prepared and deal with it competently.