The 21 day English diet allows you to lose up to 10 kg. However, this is a strict diet with a monotonous menu and requires a multivitamin. Often it is impossible to use such a diet, and it is also necessary to take into account the existing chronic diseases. It is better if the diet is preceded by a consultation with the attending physician.
The 21 day English diet divides the menu into three parts: dairy, meat and fruit and vegetable. The first two days are dairy. For breakfast: 1 glass of milk with a piece of bread (preferably wholemeal flour). For lunch: 1 glass of milk. For an afternoon snack: 1 glass of milk with a piece of bread (preferably from wholemeal flour). For dinner: 1 glass of milk. Before going to bed, you can drink 1 glass of tomato juice.
The third and fourth days are meat days. For breakfast: coffee with milk, but no sugar, 1 piece of bread (preferably wholemeal flour), half a tablespoon of honey. For lunch: a plate of either fish or meat broth, 200 grams of boiled meat, fish, 2 tablespoons of green peas and 1 piece of bread (preferably from wholemeal flour). For an afternoon snack: 1 glass of milk or tea, half a tablespoon of honey. For dinner: either 2 boiled eggs, or 50 grams of cheese, meat, fish and 1 piece of bread. You can just 1 glass of kefir and 1 piece of bread.
The fifth and sixth days are fruit and vegetable. For breakfast: either 2 apples or 2 oranges. For lunch: a plate of vegetable soup without potatoes with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, vinaigrette or vegetable stew, 1 slice of bread. Afternoon snack: fruit of your choice, excluding bananas. For dinner: vegetable salad, a cup of tea and half a tablespoon of honey.
After the first cycle, the diet is repeated from the beginning. Meal time can be set based on the individual rhythm of life, but it must be at certain times.
The English diet 21 days, due to its limited menu, allows you to achieve a good result, but this can threaten to re-set the lost weight with its increase. Moreover, this is achieved in a fairly short time after the diet has been completed. Therefore, in order to preserve the results achieved after the end of the diet, it is better to organize the correct diet, which will allow in the future not only not to gain extra pounds, but also to improve health.
With proper nutrition, which allows you to both maintain health and avoid excess weight, meals should be at least 3 times a day and better every 4 hours. In this case, food should be eaten in small portions. To maintain a healthy stomach, one meal a day is unacceptable. It is best to eat often and in small portions. So it will be possible to avoid severe hunger and the typical situation when he refuses to eat himself all day, and in the evening a lot more food is eaten.
In order to reduce the amount of food eaten in an imperceptible way, you can replace large plates with small ones, and drink a glass of water half an hour before meals. Immediately after a meal, you cannot go to bed, it is necessary that at least 2 hours have passed.
Proper nutrition involves excluding from your diet such everyone’s favorite treats as: smoked sausage, milk or white chocolate, cakes and fast food. Nutritionists are especially negative about fast food – it not only contributes to excess weight, but is also extremely unhealthy for the body. The same is true for soda pop. In addition to dyes, they contain a horse dose of carbohydrates, which is dangerous for health and, first of all, for the pancreas. But you must not forget to include various vegetable dishes in your diet. Various salads and greens also do not hurt.
For long-term effects of the diet, you can try a low-carb diet. Various variations have been developed to date, but all low-carb diets have the same goal of reducing carbohydrate intake. At the same time, reducing the consumption of protein and fat is not required. As a result, low-carb diets allow for a wide variety of foods and have a positive impact on health. The 21-day English diet does not allow for frequent use, while the low-carb diet can be used quite often. Low-carb diets are also used medicinally, which is another reason to try this diet.