Psoriasis is widespread not only in Russia, but also in the world. However, as a rule, not much is known about this disease. They are afraid of psoriasis patients, try to avoid. Despite the large amount of literature and scientific data, the treatment of psoriasis and the diet for psoriasis are most often subject to a large number of myths and misconceptions. Let’s try to refute them.
What is psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic disease, based on the process of inflammation in the skin. With this disease, the upper layer of the skin is affected – the epidermis, whose cells are flakes. In a patient with psoriasis, there is a renewal of epidermal cells at a much greater rate than in a healthy person.
For a long time, and to this day, there are many myths about the cause of this disease. For example, that psoriasis is characteristic of closed individuals, poorly adapted to society, or occurs with errors in the diet – eating mostly fatty foods. The cause of psoriasis has not been fully established. It is noted that the disease is hereditary.
Initially, psoriasis, as a rule, affects limited areas of the skin on the elbow bends, knees. Over time, these areas increase in size. Rashes with psoriasis look like raised pinkish tubercles with scales on the surface. The appearance of new areas contribute to skin injuries (abrasions, scratches). Psoriatic rashes are also characterized by a feeling of retraction and severe itching.
Psoriasis Treatment Diet for Psoriasis
The treatment of psoriasis is a laborious process, it is aimed primarily at suppressing inflammation in the epidermis. The selection of therapy is carried out on the basis of the doctor’s determination of the form, stage of the disease, and the characteristics of a particular patient. It is not surprising that the treatment of psoriasis and the diet for psoriasis are a separate point of misconception. For many years, they tried to treat this disease only with alternative methods.
Therapy for psoriasis exists local (creams, ointments) and systemic (oral preparations). Topically applied ointments such as salicylic 0.5-5%, naphthalan 5-10%, products containing hormones (Lokoid, Eloc), ointments with vitamins, for example, calcipotriol containing vitamin D. There are also creams, shampoos and aerosols for affected scalp – skin cap.
Systemic treatment is used for severe forms of the disease. Systemic drugs for the treatment of psoriasis include: cyclosporine, methotrexate, roaccutane.
Ultraviolet radiation, photochemotherapy, is widely used to treat psoriasis.
It should be noted that there are a lot of psoriasis therapy regimens selected individually. In order for the effect to be most lasting, the treatment of psoriasis and the diet for psoriasis must be inextricably linked.
The diet is based on the correct ratio of acid and alkali-forming products, the correct proportions of which should be approximately 2: 1.
Alkali-forming products (increasing alkaline reaction) are, first of all, fruits and berries. Vegetables, almost everything, alkalize the environment, especially the stems and roots of plants. It is permissible to eat lean meat and game combs, though not more often than 2 times a week. Heat treatment can be any, except frying.
Acid-forming foods such as meat, potatoes, beans, peas, cheeses, sugar, butter and margarine, sweets, pastries from yeast dough, patients with psoriasis should consume with caution. It is strictly forbidden to eat foods with preservatives, flavors, food colors, smoked foods. Alcoholic drinks are also not recommended.
Do not forget the common truth that for the successful treatment of psoriasis, any treatment methods should be discussed with a specialist.